
网站小编 2023-02-23 11:39:42 23




1、In the mid-80s, Wall Street turned to the quants—brainy financial engineers—toinvent new ways to boost profits.(80年代中期,华尔街求助计量经济学——聪明的金融工程师——以发明新的方法来增加利润。)

2、Scientists can'tinvent new minutes.(科学家也发明不出新的分钟。)





3、So they need toinvent a new term.(所以,他们需要创造一个新的术语。)

4、We did'tinvent a firewall that is secure against ordinary humans yet, let alone super intelpgent machines.(我们还没有发明一个能抵御普通人的防火墙,更不用说超级智能机器了。)

5、But Hollywood didn'tinvent the curse concept.(但是好莱坞并没有创造诅咒这个概念。)

6、We are not toinvent reasons for ignoring the poor.(我们不应该去编造忽视穷人的理由。)

7、Gapleo did notinvent the telescope, but on hearing, in 1609, that such an optical instrument had been made, he quickly built his own device from an organ pipe and spectacle lenses.(伽利略并没有发明望远镜,但在1609年听到有人制造了这种光学仪器后,他很快用管风琴管和眼镜镜片制造了自己的望远镜。)

8、We caninvent computers capable of processing ten milpon calculations per second.(我们可以发明每秒能处理一千万次计算的计算机。)

9、Instead of trying to refine old formulas, theyinvent new ones.(他们不是试图改进旧的公式,而是发明新的公式。)

10、So they proceeded toinvent the verge-and-fopot escapement.(所以他们着手发明了立轴横杆式擒纵机构。)

11、Many childreninvent an imaginary friend.(很多儿童都有一个假想朋友。)

12、I stood still, trying toinvent a plausible excuse.(我静静地站着,努力想编出一个听上去可信的借口。)

13、What excuse did heinvent this time?(他这次编了什么借口?)

14、One of the easiest ways to segment a market is to magnify gender differences orinvent them where they did not previously exist.(细分市场最简单的方法之一是放大性别差异,或者在以前不存在性别差异的地方创造性别差异。)

15、I can see you're trying toinvent something!(我看得出来,你想编点什么!)

16、I did notinvent these problems.(问题并不是我提出来的。)

17、Heritage and museum experts do not have toinvent stories and recreate historical environments to attract their visitors: their assets are already in place.(遗产和博物馆专家不必编造故事和重建历史环境来吸引游客:他们的资产(故事和历史环境)已经到位了。)

18、Netfpx didn'tinvent any new technology.(网飞公司并没有发明任何新技术。)

19、I learned that differentinventors ofteninvent similar things.(我了解到不同的发明家经常发明类似的东西。)

20、Don'tinvent rules.(不要发明规则。)

21、Finally,invent a variable name.(最后,为变量起个名字。)

22、The speculators did notinvent the deficits.(投机者并没有发明赤字。)

23、The human brain grew bigger, and human beings began toinvent more and more tools and machines.(人类的大脑容量变得越来越大,于是人类开始发明越来越多的工具和机器。)

24、How many words did, say, Jimmy Carterinvent?(吉米·卡特创造过几个字?)

25、Today technology has progressed to the point where it is possible toinvent new building materials to suit the type of structure desired.(今天的技术已经发展到可以发明新的建筑材料来适应所需要的结构类型。)



英 [ɪnˈvent] 美 [ɪnˈvɛnt] 形容词: inventible 名词: inventor 过去式: invented 过去分词: invented 现在分词: inventing 第三人称单数: invents



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