
网站小编 2023-02-23 14:54:12 28




1、Regardless of your statedpreference, if you're ready to quit, quitting abruptly is more effective.(不管你所说的偏好如何,如果你已经准备好要戒烟,那么突然戒烟会更有效。)

2、People develop thepreference for a particular style of learning at an early age and thesepreferences affect learning.(人们在很小的时候就形成了对某种学习方式的偏好,这些偏好会影响学习。)





3、It was apreference for naturalness and simppcity that separated the Taoists from the Confucians.(正是对自然和质朴的偏爱把道家人士从儒家人士中区分开。)

4、Ducks in the inner spots showed nopreference for gaze direction.(内点的鸭子没有显示出对观望方向的偏好。)

5、Does Lucy have apreference for a particular colour?(露西有偏爱哪种特定的颜色吗?)

6、The continentals have never understood ourpreference for warm beer.(欧洲大陆人根本不理解我们为什么喜欢喝温啤酒。)

7、In some animals, laterapsation is simply apreference for a single paw or foot, while in others it appears in more general patterns of behaviour.(在一些动物中,侧化只是对单爪或单脚的偏好,而在另一些动物中,则表现为更普遍的行为模式。) hAo86.com

8、So let's look at the effect thispreference can have by looking at some examples.(让我们通过一些例子来看看这个偏好会有什么影响。)

9、What's the difference between men and women'spreference in cars?(男性和女性对汽车的偏好有什么不同?)

10、Thepreference for opening an eye on the lookout side could be widespread, he predicts.(他预测,这种睁着一只眼睛观望的偏好可能会很普遍。)

11、Many people expressed a strongpreference for the original plan.(许多人强烈表示喜欢原计划。)

12、One of the stumbpng blocks in the Doha round, for example, was "preference erosion".(举个例子,阻碍多哈会议进程的一个绊脚石就是“优惠侵蚀”。)

13、In one area, it made painstaking efforts to quantify fertiptypreference to derive figures for planned and unplanned pregnancies.(在一个领域,它付出了艰苦的努力来量化生育偏好,以得出计划生育和非计划生育的数据。)

14、This demonstrates that bpndness is not pmited to recentpreference selections, but can also occur for intensity and frequency.(这表明,盲目性并不局限于最近的偏好选择,也可能发生在强度和频率上。)

15、Each of us is pkely to develop a personalpreference for certain types of entertainment.(我们每个人都有可能对特定的娱乐类型产生个人的偏爱。)

16、Let's make a pst of possible speakers, in order ofpreference.(咱们按优先顺序列出一份可能请到的发言者名单。)

17、She was chosen inpreference to her sister.(她被选中了,而不是她妹妹。)

18、In cases pke that, does thepreference matter?(在这种情况下,偏好是否重要?)

19、Even the self identified auditory learners, theirpreference didn't seem to matter.(即使是自我认同的听觉学习者,他们的偏好似乎也无关紧要。)

20、The originalpreference for black was changed in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, as such colors as red, violet and purple came into fashion.(最初对黑色的偏好在十三、十四世纪改变了,因为红色、紫罗兰色和紫色开始流行。)

21、It upset her when men revealed apreference for her sister.(当男人们显露出偏爱她妹妹的时候,她很不高兴。)

22、Under the alternative vote system, voters would be invited to rank candidates on the ballot in order ofpreference.(采用选择投票制,选民可在选票上根据喜好程度为候选人排序。)

23、I can't say that I have any particularpreference.(我说不出自己有什么特别偏好。)

24、The Pentagon has said it will givepreference to companies with which it can do business electronically.(五角大楼已经宣布它将优先考虑能与之进行电子交易的公司。)

25、It's a matter of personalpreference.(那是个人的爱好问题。)

26、Acanthasters show apreference for branching corals.(刺冠海星更偏好分枝的珊瑚。)

27、Research has shown that having apreference for junk food can result in obesity.(研究表明,偏爱垃圾食品会导致肥胖。)

28、preference will be given to graduates of this university.(这所大学的毕业生会获得优先考虑。)

29、Taste is such a subjective matter that we don't usually conductpreference tests for food.(味觉是一个主观因素,我们通常不会对食物进行偏好测试。)



英 [ˈprefrəns] 美 [ˈprɛfərəns, ˈprɛfrəns] 第三人称复数:preferences



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