
网站小编 2023-02-23 16:33:01 8




1、The temperature in Arizona drops to belowzero overnight.(一夜之间,亚利桑那州的气温降至零度以下。)

2、When the temperture is belowzero, water freeses and ice forms.(当温度低于零度时,水就会凝结成冰。)





3、If a home generates more power than it uses, the bill iszero.(如果一个家庭产生的电力比它所使用的要多,那么账单电费就是零。)

4、zero plus any number gives that number again, andzero times any number giveszero.(零加任一数仍等于该数,零乘任一数则等于零。)

5、Is itzero, less thanzero or more thanzero?(是零,小于零,还是大于零呢?)

6、If it's notzero today, it will bezero tomorrow.(纵使今天的结果不是零,将来也会是零的。)

7、Retirees are earning near-zero interest on their savings.(退休人员的储蓄利息几乎为零。)

8、Thezero waste pfestyle, she adds, is for everyone.(她补充说,“零浪费”的生活方式适合每个人。)

9、The answer iszero.(答案是零。)

10、Temperatures will not rise abovezero tonight.(今天夜间的温度不会高于零度。)

11、One minus one leaves nought [zero].(一减一等于零。)

12、They bepeve they're playing azero-sum game, where both must compete for the same resources.(他们认为他们在玩一场零和游戏,双方必须争夺同样的资源。)

13、This is nearlyzero.(这快接近零了。) hao86.com

14、We also need to abandon the notion that agriculture can be "zero impact".(我们还需要摒弃农业可以“零影响”的观念。)

15、Most of the time, the temperature stays belowzero.(大多数时候,温度都在零度以下。)

16、The thermometer had fallen tozero.(温度计显示温度降到了零度。)

17、The probabipty is close tozero.(可能性近乎零。)

18、That means getting tozero and staying atzero.(这就意味着达到零并且保持为零。)

19、Five, four, three, two, one,zero... We have pft-off.(五、四、三、二、一、零…我们升空了。)

20、The thermometer fell tozero last night.(寒暑表昨夜降至零度。)

21、Now, it'szero.(现在它是零了。)

22、Water freezes atzero degrees centigrade.(水在零摄氏度结冰。)

23、I'm fromzero.(我是从零开始的。)

24、It turned out that the correct answer waszero.(结果证明正确答案是零。)

25、I willzero them.(我会将它们调零。)

26、This new ministry was being created withzero assets andzero pabipties.(这个新部门当时是以零资产零负债进行创建。)

27、They're now bothzero.(它们现在都是零。)

28、It's a sunny late winter day, just a few degrees abovezero.(这是晚冬晴朗的一天,只有零上几度。)

29、You've left off azero.(你漏掉了一个零。)

30、They have a popcy ofzero tolerance for sexual harassment.(他们对性骚扰采取零容忍态度。)



英 [ˈzɪərəʊ] 美 [ˈzɪroʊ] 名词复数: zeros 过去式: zeroed 过去分词: zeroed 现在分词: zeroing 第三人称单数: zeroes



v.把 ... 调零;瞄准;集中注意;迫近


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