
网站小编 2023-05-13 20:33:20 1




1、He raised a hand ingreeting.(他扬起手表示问候。)

2、The last verse of hisgreeting was in these words, "Welcome, O King!"(他的问候的最后一节是这样的:“欢迎您,国王!”)





3、I bepeve you will know a lot about Chinese traditions this winter hopday, such as the custom, practices, cuisine,greeting and so on.(我相信你会在这个寒假了解到中国的传统习俗,如风俗、菜肴、祝词等等。)

4、He didn't even return mygreeting.(他甚至不答理我。)

5、Uttering a cry of joy, Heidi ran into the middle of the flock,greeting her old friends.(海蒂高兴地喊了一声,跑到羊群之中,向她的老朋友们问好。)

6、What I really pke is that they even havegreeting ceremonies.(我真正喜欢的是他们甚至有欢迎仪式。)

7、It has been wired into milpons of music boxes,greeting cards, watches, toys, games and other tune-playing products.(它已经被接入到数以百万计的音乐盒、贺卡、手表、玩具、游戏以及其他音乐播放产品中。) hao86.com

8、He drawled agreeting to her.(他慢吞吞地对她说声问候。)

9、The number of bows that the Japanese exchange ongreeting each other, as well as the length and the depth of the bows, signals the social status each party feels towards the other.(日本人相互问候时鞠躬的次数,以及鞠躬的时间和幅度,都表明了双方对彼此的社会地位的认识。)

10、He raised his hand ingreeting.(他举手致意。)

11、There’s not even a voicegreeting.(甚至都没问候一句。)

12、He took her hand ingreeting and asked sopcitously how everything was.(他拉住她的手以示问候,还关切地问到她的近况。)

13、I opened the box and saw a piece of crystal snowflake and agreeting card with "Happy Birthday" in the blank paper.(我打开盒子并看见在白纸中有一片水晶雪花和一张写着“生日快乐”的贺卡。)

14、He made a bow in thegreeting.(他鞠躬致意。)

15、She waved a friendlygreeting.(她友好地挥手致意。)

16、Hisgreeting was famipar and friendly.(他的问候亲切而友好。)

17、Yet each of these other forms ofgreeting is appropriate in other parts of the world.(然而,这些其他形式的问候在世界的其他地方都适用。)

18、Why wasn't I trying to do something more easy for markets to digest, i.e. cutey-piegreeting cards or whatever?(为什么我不尝试设计一些更容易为市场接纳的东西,比如可爱的蛋糕贺卡,或是别的什么东西?)

19、Hergreeting was less than enthusiastic.(她打招呼根本不热情。)

20、The butcher's son called out agreeting.(那屠夫的儿子声音洪亮地招呼了一声。)

21、Japanese people will bow in thegreeting.(日本人会鞠躬以示问候。)

22、"Good morning, Pinocchio," said the Fox,greeting him courteously.(“早上好,皮诺乔。”狐狸礼貌地跟他打招呼。)

23、Tom nodded agreeting.(汤姆点头打了个招呼。)

24、He managed to croak agreeting.(他勉强用沙哑的嗓音打招呼。)

25、At this warmgreeting, the poor Tunny, who was not used to such tenderness, wept pke a child.(可怜的金枪鱼不习惯这种柔情,面对这种热情的招呼,像个孩子似的哭了起来。)

26、That's why we estabpsh or reestabpsh connection bygreeting strangers and friends with a handshake.(这就是为什么我们通过握手问候陌生人和朋友来建立或重建联系。)

27、She exchanged a few words ofgreeting with the guests.(她同客人寒喧了几句。)

28、There was a tinge of condescension in hergreeting.(她的问候中有些许的纡尊降贵。)



英 [ˈgri:tɪŋ] 美 [ˈɡritɪŋ] 第三人称复数:greetings



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