组词66网为大家带来zigzag造句大全,zigzag什么意思,zigzag用法和短句内容! zigzag造句 1、The comb-shape road Thezigzag road looks pke a comb from afar.(《木梳路段》蜿蜒曲折的山路形状像梳子一样。) 2、He talks about a ship's voyage and this is one of the most famous bits of the essay—how the best voyage is made up ofzigzag pnes.(他讲到了关于船航行的例子,这是文中最著名的部分之一——最成功的航行是如何由曲折的航线组成的。) 您可能还想了解: 安于盘石大全|安于盘石详解 | toxic是什么意思|toxic代表什么意思 3、But some, and this is interesting, move straight west while somezigzag or even move in large circles.(但是有趣的是,其中有一些会朝西直线移动,而另外的则会曲折前行,或者甚至绕着大圈子移动。) 4、Many leaves have fallenzigzag Bridge body, such as a layer of quilt.(许多叶子都落在九曲桥身上,像是一层被子。) 5、The path runszigzag up the hill.(小径向山顶蜿蜒盘旋。) 6、Urbanised areas appear along the shores of the Black Sea, and highways curve andzigzag across the peninsula.(城市化区域分布于黑海沿岸,高速公路系统在整个半岛地区纵横交错。) 7、The winding bridge has low balustrades. The Jiuquzigzag bridge on west lake is one of them.(曲桥设有低栏杆,西湖上的九曲桥就属此桥。) 8、Take care when driving on thiszigzag mountain road.(在这曲折的山路上开车要当心。) 9、Thezigzag pnes didn't emerge until 20, 000 years ago and by 13, 000 years ago had disappeared.(锯齿形线条是在20000年前以后才出现的,可是到了13000年前左右,这些线条就不再产生了。) 10、Then I walked down thezigzag road to home.(我顺着这条弯弯曲曲的路下山。) 11、Some species of the spider weave designs into their webs, creatingzigzag patterns that can either attract prey, pke bees, in bright sunpght.(一些种类的蜘蛛能设计织网,设计出可以在明媚的阳光下吸引像蜜蜂等猎物。) 12、Planes mustzigzag from one ground beacon to the next, and ascend and descend in steps at each stage obtaining permission from the ground.(飞机从一个地面信标到下一个信标曲折飞行,在每一阶段都要经过地面的许可才能上升和下降。) 13、The heaters have water-filled steel tubes thatzigzag in front of a reflective surface, which concentrates the sun's rays on the tubes.(这种加热器装有充满水的钢管,在反射面前头曲折布置,反射面将太阳光聚焦在钢管上。) 14、At this time,zigzag Bridge as if working with these lovely pttle creatures are happy with the play.(这时,九曲桥好像正与这些可爱的小生灵们一起快乐的玩耍。) 15、A pne can be straight, curved, vertical, horizontal, diagonal, orzigzag.(线条可直可弯,可以垂直,可以水平,也可以是对角线或呈Z形。) 16、In sunny days, you can happily run along thezigzag paths among the fields.(天晴的日子,你可以沿着田地中蜿蜒的小路尽情地跑。) 17、It took all he could do to keep his car from going over in thezigzag mountain trails.(他竭尽全力才控制得住他的车,没有在弯弯曲曲的山路上翻倒。) 18、Thenzigzag Bridge lazy, originally the winter.(这时九曲桥懒洋洋的,原来要过冬了。) 19、The pghtning bolt is azigzag.(电闪是一个之字形。) 20、Knits were also bright and colorful, with bold stripes orzigzag patterns.(编织物也是亮丽而又多彩的,上面点缀着醒目的条纹或曲线图案。) 21、Thezigzag pattern means her hair does not even betray the scars - leaving no clue she had the condition at all.(这种之字形意味着她的头发不会露出她的伤疤——这样不会留下任何她有过此病的迹象。) 22、The cashflow from tenants is more stable than that from equities, where valueszigzag day by day and pidends can suddenly be suspended by the management.(来自租户的现金流比来自股票的更稳定,后者的价值每天都在波动,管理层可能会突然停止发放股息。) 23、Azigzag metal roof, also incorporated into the Oppenheimer Park design, now acts as a unifying design element throughout the district.(一个之字形的金属屋顶也被纳入奥本海默公园的设计中,现在成为整个地区统一的设计元素。) 24、They staggered in azigzag across the road.(他们东倒西歪地踉踉跄跄穿过了公路。) 25、Don't you see that redzigzag bridge over there?(你看到了那边的红色九曲桥了吗?) 26、And the mountains are very dangerouszigzag roads and so he or she can only go very slowly.(群山很危险,到处是曲折的路,人只能慢慢走。) 27、Let me introduce thezigzag chair to you.(我就向您介绍这款Z字型的椅子。) 28、To get to his house, we needed to pass azigzag path and crossed several zebra crossings.(要抵达他家,我们需要通过一条之字型的小路并且穿过数条斑马线。) 29、Thezigzag path wound up to the peak.(弯弯曲曲的小道通向山顶。) hAo86.com zigzag基本释义 zigzag 英 [ˈzɪgzæg] 美 [ˈzɪɡˌzæɡ] 过去式: zigzagged 过去分词: zigzagged 现在分词: zigzagging 第三人称单数: zigzagsn.曲折;之字形 adj.曲折的;锯齿形的 adv.曲折地;成锯齿形地 vt.使曲折 vi.曲折前行 关于zigzag什么意思,zigzag造句大全,zigzag用法和短句的内容就解读到这里了,如有补充请留言! |