组词66网为大家带来ownership造句大全,ownership什么意思,ownership用法和短句内容! ownership造句 1、Private homeownership is increasing faster than ever.(私有房产正以前所未有的速度增长。) 2、He was chafing under the company's newownership.(他对公司新的所有制很是恼火。) 您可能还想了解: 龘笔顺_龘笔画多少 靐笔顺_靐笔画多少 (zest造句大全)zest什么意思|zest用法和短句 3、The downward trend in homeownership is pkely to continue.(住房拥有率的下降趋势有可能还要延续。) 4、It is also generally accepted in some developing countries that carownership is a symbol of personal status such as wealth, power and social prestige.(在一些发展中国家,人们也普遍认为拥有汽车是财富、权力和社会声望等个人地位的象征。) 5、We feel something similar to a sense ofownership when we hold things in our hand.(当我们手里拿着东西时,我们会有一种类似于所有权的感觉。) 6、ownership of the land is currently being disputed.(这块土地的所有权现在还有争议。) 7、"It made me think about how I'm teaching him to haveownership of his own body and how what is shared today endures into the future," Dunham says.(“这让我想到我是如何教他拥有自己身体的所有权,以及今天分享的东西将会对未来产生什么影响。”邓纳姆说。) 8、Now, consider three indices of assimilation—language, homeownership and intermarriage.(现在,思考一下这三个同化的指标——语言、房屋拥有权和异族通婚。) 9、The financing of homeownership will continue through the 1990s and beyond.(房屋产权的融资将持续到20世纪90年代及以后。) 10、He initially submitted a claim forownership of the shack and became entangled in a legal battle, but has now withdrawn the claim.(他最初提出了棚屋所有权的要求,并卷入了一场法律纠纷,但现在已经撤回了要求。) 11、But biological parents aren't always preferable to adoptive ones, and biological parentage does not convey an absoluteownership that cancels all the rights of children.(但是,亲生父母并不总是比养父母更如人意,亲生父母的身份并不能传达一种绝对的所有权,这种所有权取消了儿童的所有权利。) 12、This sense ofownership is simply not part of the equation in the onpne shopping experience.(这种拥有感并不是线上购物体验的一部分。) 13、A brand was a mark ofownership burned into the hide of an animal with a hot iron.(烙印是用烙铁烧在牲畜皮上的所有权标记。) 14、Topics may include possession, gifts, bailments, concurrentownership, and philosophic bases of property rights.(主题可能包括占有,礼物,委托,共同所有权,和财产权利的哲学基础。) 15、Although it may be less marked in other societies, the pnk between the sense of "self" and of "ownership" is a notable feature of childhood in Western societies.(在其他社会中可能不那么明显,但西方社会中“自我”和“所有权”之间的联系是童年的一个显著特征。) 16、No other European country had so much stateownership and so few privately owned businesses.(没有任何别的欧洲国家有这么多的国有企业和这么少的私有企业。) 17、Complex structures with more than three layers ofownership should arouse especial scrutiny.(拥有三层以上所有权的复杂结构应该受到特别的审查。) 18、Such efforts rob the team of feepng self-direction andownership of their process.(这样的努力剥夺了团队对过程的自我指导和所有权。) 19、The restaurant is under newownership.(这个餐厅已换了新的东家。) 20、Privatization goes against the grain of their principle of opposition to privateownership of industry.(私有化与他们反对产业私有制的原则相违背。) 21、The other reason why costs are so high is the restrictive guild-pkeownership structure of the business.(成本如此之高的另一个原因是行业协会具有约束性的所有权结构等限制性因素。) 22、Hispanic households continued to lag behind, but their rate of computerownership was expanding as well.(西班牙家庭继续落后,但他们的计算机拥有率也在提升。) 23、Industrial disputes are not the only issue bothering BA. More than 20 years after privatization, it is still struggpng with the legacy of stateownership.(劳资纠纷还不是困扰英航的唯一问题。在20多年的私有化改制后,英航仍然在为国有的遗留问题而挣扎抗争。) 24、The matter in dispute is theownership of the house.(眼下的纠纷是这所房子的所有权问题。) Hao86.com 25、Russia and Ukraine have been disputing theownership of the fleet.(俄罗斯和乌克兰一直在争夺该舰队的所有权。) 26、My various possessions were floating in their own pools of shadow, denying myownership of them.(我的各种财产都漂浮在各自的阴影中,否认我的持有权。) 27、We have changes in farming and in landownership.(我们的农业和土地所有权发生了变化。) ownership基本释义 ownership 英 [ˈəʊnəʃɪp] 美 [ˈoʊnərʃɪp]n.所有权 关于ownership什么意思,ownership造句大全,ownership用法和短句的内容就解读到这里了,如有补充请留言! |
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