关于 (wrinkles是什么意思)wrinkle是什么意思 ,很多朋友们都有所疑问,下面组词66网就来聊聊! 基本词汇 英 [ˈrɪŋkl] 美 [ˈrɪŋkəl] 您可能还想了解: 龘笔顺_龘笔画多少 靐笔顺_靐笔画多少 (zest造句大全)zest什么意思|zest用法和短句 n.皱纹;方法 vt.使起皱纹;皱着 vi.起皱 形容词: wrinkly 过去式: wrinkled 过去分词: wrinkled 现在分词: wrinkling 第三人称单数: wrinkles n.(名词)皱纹,皱褶方法,办法技巧,巧技妙计,好主意有用的建议困难,难题创新,革新皱,皱痕新招褶子缺点消息革新的设备v.(动词)(使)起皱纹,起皱褶皱起来,起皱,皱起折皱,折叠n.(名词)[C] (尤指皮肤上的)皱纹; 皱褶 a small line or fold, especially on the skin owing to age, worry, tiredness, etc.v.(动词)vt. 使起皱纹,使皱起来 cause to form into lines, folds, etc., especially for a short timevi. (尤指皮肤)起皱纹,皱起来 (especially of the skin) to form into lines, folds, etc.noun 1.a clever method of doing something (especially something new and different) 2.a minor difficulty e.g. they finally have the wrinkles pretty well ironed out 3.a slight depression in the smoothness of a surface e.g. his face has many lines Synonym: furrowcreasecrinkleseamline verb 1.become wrinkled or crumpled or creased e.g. This fabric won'twrinkle Synonym: rumplecrumplecreasecrinkle 2.make wrinkled or creased e.g. furrow one's brow Synonym: furrowcrease 3.make wrinkles or creases on a smooth surface e.g. The dress got wrinkled Synonym: rucklecreasecrinklescrunchscrunch upcrisp 4.gather or contract into wrinkles or folds e.g. purse ones's lips Synonym: purse 1.(脸上的)皱纹 e.g. His face was covered with wrinkles... 2.(使)(皮肤)起皱纹 e.g. The skin on her cheeks and around her eyes was beginning towrinkle. I did indeed look older and more wrinkled than ever. 我的确比从前显老, 皱纹也多了。 3.(布或纸的)褶皱,皱痕,褶子 e.g. He noticed awrinkle in her stocking. 4.(使)(衣服)起皱,起褶 e.g. Her stockings wrinkled at the ankles... His suit was wrinkled and he looked very tired. 他的西服皱巴巴的,整个人显得非常疲惫。 5.(使)(鼻子、额头等)起皱 wrinkle是什么意思 e.g. Frannie wrinkled her nose at her daughter... 1. 皱纹:简介: 皱纹(wrinkle)是皮肤中真皮组织里的弹力纤维、结缔组织和肌肤纤维退化萎缩以及表皮和真皮内水分和皮下脂肪的减少而产生的. 在青春期,表皮组织内的细胞不断地生长,新陈代谢旺盛,在真皮组织中有一种透明质酸的物质,通过这种物质, 2. wrinkle的意思 2. 起皱:在人类社会,能力的丧失以多种形式表露出来,其中有些非常明显(visible),比如:身材变矮、肌肉(muscle)萎缩(shrinkage)、头发变稀、变白、皮肤起皱(wrinkle)等等. 3. 褶皱:褶皱(Wrinkle) 前额及脸部松弛下垂成褶状的纹路. 按钮耳(Button ear) 耳朵从头颅向前垂下来,下半部分成垂直状. (如:猎狐) 直立耳(Prickear)顶端竖直向上的耳朵,分为自然直立和切割直立两种. (如:雪 帕得猎犬) 半下垂耳(Semi prickear)耳朵基本直立, 4. 皱:5-2-7 折皱(Wrinkle)工具 5-3 封套(Envelope)变形 5-3-1 使用默认封套变形 5-3-2 使用封套变形网格 5-3-3 使用对象进行封套变形 5-3-4 编辑封套变形 5-4 对象的变形 5-4-1 移动(Move)对象 5-4-2 旋转(Rotate)对象 5-4-3 缩放(Scale)对象 5-4-4 倾斜(Shear)对象 5-4-5 反射(Reflect)对象 5-4-6 扭曲(Distort)变形对象 5-4-7 ((wrinkles是什么意思)wrinkle是什么意思)的解读就说到这里,希望能对各位朋友们有所提升! |