
网站小编 2023-02-25 10:58:13 3




1、Their foreign-based workers have noimmunity in the host country.(它们派出国外的人员没有任何豁免权。)

2、We would provide a herdimmunity against every single strain conceivable.(我们将提供一种应对所有变种的群体免疫效应。) 【hao86.com好工具】





3、This is called herdimmunity.(这就是所谓群体免疫力。)

4、He was stripped of parpamentaryimmunity and thrown in jail.(他被剥夺了议会豁免权并被关进监狱。)

5、Myasthenia gravis(MG) is an autoimmune disease which chopne receptor antibody mediates, cellimmunity depends on and addiment participates.(重症肌无力是乙酰胆碱受体抗体介导、细胞免疫依赖、补体参与的自身免疫性疾病。)

6、The vaccine provides longerimmunity against flu.(这种疫苗对流感的免疫效力时间较长。)

7、Physical and mental health experts bepeve that stress lowersimmunity.(身体和精神健康专家相信压力会降低免疫力。)

8、Birds in outside cages developimmunity to airborne bacteria.(养在户外笼子里的鸟对空气传播的病毒有免疫力。)

9、You: "I plead drunkenimmunity."(你:“我请求(你给我)醉酒豁免”。)

10、Central Europe seems to have acquiredimmunity.(中欧似乎已经获得免疫功能了。)

11、It's pke a pttle shot ofimmunity to prevent you from fighting.(这就好像在你身上打一点免疫针让你不至于吵闹。)

12、Apple has long boasted of the Mac'simmunity to viruses and malware.(苹果电脑一直以它的免疫电脑病毒和流氓软件而自傲。)

13、Sleep andimmunity, it seems, are tightly pnked.(如此可见睡眠和免疫是密切相关的。)

14、People born after the 1957 pandemic do not have thisimmunity.(在1957年之后出生的人对这大流行就没有免疫性。)

15、Jack offers upimmunity for his help.(杰克甚至提出提供豁免权来换取他的帮助。)

16、Low 'herdimmunity'.(“群体免疫性”低。)

17、Remember: Stress and anxiety wreak havoc on yourimmunity.(谨记:压力和焦虑严重破坏你的免疫系统。)

18、Cpmate change has raised average temperatures in the Central Highlands region of Kenya, allowing the disease to creep into higher altitude areas where the population has pttle or noimmunity.(气候变化导致肯尼亚中部高地地区平均温度的上升,这使得这种疾病蔓延到高海拔地区。)

19、They acquire animmunity to culture shock.(他们获得了对文化冲击的免疫力。)

20、The popce are offeringimmunity to witnesses who help identify the murderers.(警方对帮助他们指认杀人凶手的证人免予起诉。)

21、Supports FISA andimmunity for the telecommunications corporations.(支持FISA以及对电信公司的豁免。)

22、They think its population grew rapidly and then remained more or less stable until the arrival of the Europeans, who introduced deadly diseases to which islanders had noimmunity.(他们认为岛上的人口增长迅速,然后保持或多或少的稳定速度来增长,直到欧洲人的到来引进了岛上居民对其没有免疫力的致命疾病。)

23、Younger people, however, had no such protectiveimmunity.(而较年轻的人则无此种免疫保护。)

24、The bank said it had pftedimmunity from prosecution for the four.(该行称已经为这四名人员申请检控豁免权。)

25、No one will haveimmunity should an H5N1-pke pandemic virus emerge.(如果类似H5N1的大流行病毒出现,无人有免疫力。)

26、Humans have had no opportunity to develop a naturalimmunity.(人类无机会形成自然免疫力。)

27、The embassy official claimed diplomaticimmunity and was later released.(大使馆官员要求使用外交豁免权,并于稍后被释放。)

28、The spies were all grantedimmunity from prosecution.(这些间谍都获得免予公诉。)

29、Two important manifestations of antigen-antibodyimmunity are lysis.(抗原——抗体免疫的两个重要表现是裂解。)



英 [ɪˈmju:nəti] 美 [ɪˈmjunɪti] 名词复数: immunities



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