最近有朋友们问《【utility是什么意思?】utility是什么意思》,今天组词66网就来好好分享一下! 基本词汇 英 [ju:ˈtɪləti] 美 [juˈtɪləti] 您可能还想了解: 龘笔顺_龘笔画多少 靐笔顺_靐笔画多少 (zest造句大全)zest什么意思|zest用法和短句 n.效用;实用;公用事业(费);[计]应用程序 adj.多效用的;多功能的 名词复数: utilities n.(名词)实用(性),有用,有益公用事业【哲】功利主义 ,功利公用事业公司公用事业公司股票有用之物公用程序实用程序应用程序【经】效用【戏】跑龙套的演员用途实用价值实用品adj.(形容词)实用的有多种用途的,多用途的经济实惠的(用于)公用事业的通用的,通用性的为经济利益而饲养的,为谋利而饲养的多效用的, 多功能的各种工作都会做的公用事业公司股票价格的重实效的能打各种位置的次等的二级的n.(名词)[U] 功用,效用 quality of being useful[P] 公用事业 any useful service for the public, such as supplies of water to the home, the bus services, etc.utility什么意思 noun 1.the service (electric power or water or transportation) provided by a public utility e.g. the cost of utilities never decreases 2.a facility composed of one or more pieces of equipment connected to or part of a structure and designed to provide a service such as heat or electricity or water or sewage disposal e.g. the price of the house included all utilities 3.the quality of being of practical use Synonym: usefulness 4.(computer science) a program designed for general support of the processes of a computer e.g. a computer system providesutility programs to perform the tasks needed by most users Synonym: utility programservice program 5.a company that performs a public service Synonym: public utilitypublic utility companypublic-service corporation 6.(economics) a measure that is to be maximized in any situation involving choice 1.功用;效用;实用 e.g. Belief in theutility of higher education is shared by students nationwide... 2.公用事业 e.g. ...public utilities such as gas, electricity and phones. 1. utility的解释 1.utility:util; 实效 对于各位朋友的{【utility是什么意思?】utility是什么意思}就解读完毕,希望大家也能有所收益,各位朋友们是不是有新的认知啊? |