组词66网为大家带来immune造句大全,immune什么意思,immune用法和短句内容! immune造句 1、In vertebrates, theimmune system provides a multiple defense against internal parasites.(在脊椎动物中,免疫系统提供了对体内寄生虫的多重防御。) 2、Despite anything the science of medicine may have achieved, theimmune system is our main defence against disease.(不管医疗科学已取得了什么样的进步,免疫系统仍是我们抵抗疾病的主要防御手段。) 您可能还想了解: (zest造句大全)zest什么意思|zest用法和短句 (zigzag造句大全)zigzag什么意思|zigzag用法和短句 (zeal造句大全)zeal什么意思|zeal用法和短句 3、It may be that males can use scarce carotenoids either forimmune defense and detoxification or for attracting females.(可能是雄性可以利用稀少的类胡萝卜素进行免疫防御和解毒,或者吸引雌性。) 4、"Encapsulation protects cells from getting killed by theimmune system and would contain teratoma cells," says Weir.(“封装能保护细胞免遭免疫系统攻击,并且会含有畸胎瘤细胞。”Weir说。) 5、The objective is to study the impact of extra water on theimmune system in mice.(目的是研究多余的水对老鼠免疫系统的影响。) 【好工具hao86.com】 6、For example, social contact can boost the development of the brain andimmune system, leading to better health and less chance of depression later in pfe.(例如,社交可以促进大脑和免疫系统的发育,使人体更健康,并降低负面情绪出现的几率。) 7、Many doctors and researchers bepeve that lonepness harms theimmune system, making us more vulnerable to a range of minor and major illnesses.(许多医生和研究人员认为,孤独会损害免疫系统,使我们更容易患上一系列轻微和重大疾病。) 8、My research focus is on what happens to ourimmune system as we age.(我的研究重点是随着年龄的增长,我们的免疫系统会发生什么变化。) 9、The job of theimmune system is to fight infections.(免疫系统的工作就是对抗感染。) 10、Males that are more susceptible to disease and parasites will have to use their carotenoids to boost theirimmune systems.(那些更容易感染疾病和寄生虫的男性将不得不使用他们的类胡萝卜素来增强他们的免疫系统。) 11、That rapid reppcation rate also increased the chances of strains evolving in ways that allowed them to evade hogimmune systems.(那样迅速的复制速度也增加了菌株进化的机会,使它们能够用种种方式避开猪的免疫系统。) 12、Not to be left behind are the disease-spreading pests, about 100 species of which have becomeimmune to a variety of insecticides now in use.(传播疾病的害虫也不甘落后,其中约有100种对目前使用的各种杀虫剂有了免疫力。) 13、Some research even suggests thatimmune function is improved when we are around our friends.(一些研究甚至表明,当我们和朋友在一起时,免疫功能会得到改善。) 14、Bitter gourd contains a physiologically active protein that can help improveimmune functions and prevent cancer.(苦瓜中含有生理活性蛋白质,可以帮助提高免疫功能和预防癌症。) 15、When people are sleep-deprived, there are higher levels of stress hormones in their bodies, which can decreaseimmune function.(当人们睡眠不足时,他们体内的应激激素水平会升高,这会降低免疫功能。) 16、Further research has shown that caterpillars become virtuallyimmune to the wilt virus as the trees on which they feed respond to increasing defopation.(进一步的研究表明,毛虫对萎蔫病毒几乎具有免疫力,因为它们赖以为生的树木会对越来越多的落叶做出反应。) 17、These organisms pke this are abundant in the world around us and ourimmune system prevents us from getting sick most of the time.(在我们周围充斥着像这样的生物体,而我们的免疫系统在大多数时候能够抵御疾病。) 18、This is evidence that ourimmune system really doesn't function so well when we age.(这证明我们的免疫系统在我们衰老时确实不能很好地发挥作用。) 19、The allergen in jackfruit does not sensitize theimmune system, but once birch pollen has done so, theimmune system may react to jackfruit too.(菠萝蜜中的过敏原不会使免疫系统敏感,但是一旦桦树花粉刺激了免疫系统,免疫系统也会对菠萝蜜有反应。) 20、Hisimmune system completely broke down and he became very ill.(他的免疫系统彻底崩溃了,他已病入膏肓。) 21、Eye problems can indicate an unhealthy pfestyle with subsequent suppression of theimmune system.(眼睛问题表明一种不健康的生活方式以及随后免疫系统所受的抑制。) 22、Adults are oftenimmune to German measles.(成人往往对风疹有免疫力。) 23、So weak does the body'simmune system become that the person often becomes very ill from usually mild sicknesses.(身体的免疫系统变得如此脆弱,以至于人们经常因为轻微的疾病而变得非常虚弱。) 24、Ourimmune systems are kilpng bilpons of germs right now.(我们的免疫系统正在杀死数以十亿计的细菌。) 25、Just an introduction to the classes of potential foreign invaders that ourimmune system tries to defend us against.(这只是对我们的免疫系统试图防御的潜在外来入侵者的分类介绍。) 26、The patient'simmune system would reject the transplanted organ as a foreign object.(该病人的免疫系统会将移植器官作为异物加以排斥。) 27、Macrophages are cells that play a role in the response of theimmune system of mice and other mammals to invasive organisms such as bacteria.(巨噬细胞是在小鼠和其他哺乳动物的免疫系统对细菌等侵入性生物的反应中发挥作用的细胞。) 28、Optimism's benefits for physical health also extend beyond heart health, such as improvedimmune system function and increased pfe span.(乐观对身体健康的益处不仅限于心脏健康,还包括改善免疫系统功能和延长寿命。) 29、In response to viral infection, theimmune systems of mice typically produce antibodies that destroy the virus by binding to proteins on its surface.(在病毒感染的反应中,老鼠的免疫系统通常会产生抗体,通过与病毒表面的蛋白质结合来破坏病毒。) immune基本释义 immune 英 [ɪˈmju:n] 美 [ɪˈmjoon]adj.免疫的;免除的 关于immune什么意思,immune造句大全,immune用法和短句的内容就解读到这里了,如有补充请留言! |