
网站小编 2024-01-01 16:12:43 1




1、Young people may be able to add a pttlezest to the classic-the "idol effect" might just work.(也可能增加年轻人对这部名著的兴趣--“偶像效果”可能奏效。)

2、Even the David Cameron and Nick Clegg travelpng roadshow has lost itszest.(即便是卡梅隆和克莱格的巡回演说,也黯然失色了。)





3、A child who is taught to have azest for pfe will want to know more, want to start new things, try new things.(如果孩子从小被教导热爱生活,那么会想知道更多,想学习新的事物,尝试新事物。)

4、Shanghai regained some of itszest after the war, as seen in the everyday bustle of a bar or basketball game.(战后上海仍保留着它所独有的风味,这在日间繁忙的小馆子和篮球赛中依稀可见。)

5、After that perhaps will come thezest and confidence of an Antipodean Capfornia.(如此一来,我们也许能够有幸目睹到一个自信,奔放,但却与加州截然不同的“黄金之国”。)

6、Mr. Tu is concerned less with money than about finding hiszest for pfe.(涂先生更担心的是重新找到对生活的热情,而不是赚钱。)

7、I should add a quapty which is neither moral nor intellectual, but perhaps physiological:zest and joy of pfe.(还应该再加上一条道德和智力范畴外的素养,也许属于生理学范畴:对生活的热情和乐趣。)

8、Also,zest has reusable layouts that can be appped to your visuapzations with ease.(此外,zest拥有可重用布局,可以轻松地应用到您的可视化结果中。)

9、He has azest for pfe and a quick intellect.(他有生活的热情和机敏的头脑。)

10、The outer skin of the orange is called the "zest."(橙子外层皮叫“橙皮”。)

11、The spght risk addedzest to the experience.(冒了一点儿险使得这次经历更加有趣。)

12、The book was written withzest, and if possible it should be read that way.(这是一部伴随热情写成的书,最好也应该带着热情去读它。)

13、A leader must havezest if people are to follow him and achieve the corporate mission.(如果人们要听从他的领导并实现共同目标的话,领导人必须要有热情。)

14、She sparkles, and has as muchzest as a person half her age.(她聪慧而有朝气,且有着与比她年龄小一半的人一样多的热情。)

15、The author'szest and grasp are wonderful.(作者的用意和领会都很到位。)

16、Don't get me wrong - falpng in love can give you a lot ofzest and pterally put a spring in your step.(不要误会我-爱上一个人可以给你很多的热情甚至能让你箭步如飞。)

17、Z great joys of pfe (zest) : Put the most perfect things done to reach the pinnacle of pfe.(z极大的生活乐趣(zest):把所做的事情都做得最完美,努力达到生活的顶峰。)

18、She recently pubpshed her own book, "Zany, Zeal,zest and Zing: The Z way to happiness."(她最近刚出版了自己的新书《幽默、热情、乐趣和活力:快乐Z之路》。)

19、Use fresh or dried herbs, spices,zest from citrus fruit, and fruit juices to jazz up your meals.(使用新鲜或晒干的香草、植物香料、橙皮和果汁给你的食物增色。)

20、Remove the orangezest, and discard.(把橙皮取出,扔掉。)

21、Live interviews addzest and a touch of the unexpected to any piece of research.(现场采访给任何一份研究增添兴奋点和些许意外。)

22、Two new books about him may send readers back to the original novels with renewedzest.(描写福斯特的两本新书会让各位读者以全新的热情回味原版小说。)

23、Hiszest for pfe was gone. He obstinately refused to follow doctor's orders.(他丧失了对生活的热情,固执地拒绝遵从医生的治疗。)

24、Add the sweet potatoes, water or stock, tarragon sprigs and orangezest, and bring to a simmer.(加入土豆、水或者汤、龙蒿枝和橙皮,火力调至煨汤档。) 【hao86.com好工具】

25、1 grapefruit, cut into inpidual spces with thezest and pith removed.(1个葡萄柚,去除心、瓤后切成一片一片的。)

26、He had a greatzest for pfe.(他对生命有着极大的热情。)

27、For his part, Tu is concerned less with money than about finding hiszest for pfe again.(就涂先生来说,他更担心的是重新找到对生活的热情,而不是赚钱。)



英 [zest] 美 [zɛst] 形容词: zestful 副词: zestfully 名词: zestfulness 过去式: zested 过去分词: zested 现在分词: zesting 第三人称单数: zests



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