<1>拳击手的英文怎么说?1> Boxers are inpiduals who are masters of their own domain and dedicate their lives to perfecting not just their bodies, but also their technique. Boxers are professional athletes who embark on long journeys and participate in various competitions in order to further their craft.The task of a boxer is to strategize for movement, accuracy and offensive and defensive techniques.It is important for a boxer to have a physical regime that trains his muscles and joints, as well as a mental training regime that enables him to hone both technique and strategy. 您可能还想了解: 忠厚怎么造句|忠厚造句大全 抱歉怎么造句|抱歉造句大全 抱负怎么造句|抱负造句大全 The mental game of a boxer plays an integral part in how well they perform in the ring.Boxers must be able to read their opponents, anticipate their moves and react to them with lightning-quick speed.A boxer must also possess an impressive amount of mental discipline and avoid putting his emotions first. When two boxers step into the ring, each with their own backgrounds, strengths and weaknesses, the physical and mental preparation that they had to go through beforehand will decide who will end up victorious. The life of a boxer is never easy.Most boxers, regardless of the level of success, often have to live in low-income housing and constantly struggle to make ends meet.Boxers have to deduce the time spent on training from what time is left for them to work, rest and enjoy leisure time.The life of a boxer is a battle of wills: resisting the temptation of comfort and sacrificing short-term needs for long-term success. The pure training, dedication and commitment it takes to become a skilled boxer can’t be understated.However, all the positive aspects of training and competing, such as increased confidence, mastery and a sense of self-fulfillment, can’t be dismissed either.Boxers are strong, both mentally and physically, and their hard work and dedication is admirable. |
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