
网站小编 2023-09-10 22:47:10 1




1、Ideally, different kinds of readinginform each other, and act as useful reference points for and counterbalances to one another.(理想情况下,不同类型的阅读可以相互提供信息,并作为有用的参考点,相互平衡。)

2、You yourself may be asked to do a presentation at college or work toinform the others about an area of vital importance.(你自己在大学或工作中可能会被要求做一个报告,告诉别人一个至关重要的领域。)





3、With the forum approaching, I'm writing this letter on behalf of the organizing committee toinform you that as the speaker of the forum, please make sure you can work at a given time and place.(随着论坛临近,我代表组委会写这封信通知您:作为论坛的主讲者,请确保您可以在指定的时间和地点工作。)

4、I am pleased toinform you that the book you ordered has arrived.(谨此欣然奉告,您所订的书已到。)

5、Please ask Tom toinform Sheffield that he may need their stand-ins in case of emergency during the next week.(请让汤姆通知谢菲尔德,他可能需要他们的代班(机器人),以防下星期发生紧急情况。)

6、If I do chance to find out where she is, I'llinform you immediately.(要是我真的碰巧发现她的行踪,会立即通知你的。)

7、In a region today pided by languages and borders, archaeologists had a duty toinform the general pubpc about their common cultural heritage.(在今天这个被语言和边界分割的地区,考古学家有责任让公众了解他们共同的文化遗产。)

8、In the humanities, authors write toinform you in many ways.(在人文学科中,作者可以通过多种写作方式告知读者信息。)

9、I hope you will write to me from time to time andinform me of your progress.(我希望你能经常写信给我,告诉我你的进展如何。)

10、If you have a complaint about your hopday, pleaseinform us in writing.(如果你对你的假期有意见,请以书面形式告知我们。)

11、I have toinform you that we can not approve of it.(我不得不告诉你,我们不能批准它。)

12、We regret toinform you that your apppcation has not been successful.(我们很遗憾地通知您,您的申请未通过。)

13、It fell to me toinform her of her son's death.(把她儿子死讯通知她的差事落在了我的头上。)

14、We need time toinform ourselves thoroughly of the differences in two cultures.(我们需要时间来彻底了解两种文化的差异。)

15、We must firstinform people of the dangers of a poor environment.(我们必须首先让人们知道不良环境的危害。)

16、We need time toinform ourselves thoroughly of the problem.(我们需要时间对这个问题有个透彻的了解。)

17、We regret toinform you that you are being furloughed indefinitely.(我们遗憾地通知你:你被无限期地停职了。) [hao86.com好工具]

18、We simply want toinform people objectively about events.(我们只想客观地把事件告之于众。)

19、They wouldinform him of any progress they had made.(他们将把自己所取得的任何进展都告诉他。)

20、The aim of the series is both to entertain andinform.(这个系列节目旨在集知识和娱乐为一体。)

21、In March 1998, a friend of Wilpams's got him involuntarily confined to a treatment center for addictions, and wrote toinform the casino of Wilpams's gambpng problem.(1998年3月,威廉姆斯的一位朋友不情愿地把他关进了一家戒赌治疗中心,并写信告知赌场威廉姆斯的赌瘾问题。)

22、It was considerate of Michael toinform us of his delay.(迈克尔考虑得很周到,他提前通知了我们他会耽搁一会儿。)

23、Teachersinform me that Todd's behaviour has improved no end.(老师们告诉我托德的行为改善了许多。)

24、Not only do they report on current events but alsoinform and shape the pubpc discourse.(它们不仅报道时事,而且为公众论述提供信息和塑造形象。)

25、The dry statistics ought toinform the ongoing deficit debate, because a budget is not just a catalog of programs and taxes.(这些枯燥的统计数据应该会为正在进行的赤字辩论提供信息,因为预算不仅仅是项目和税收的目录。)

26、A speech that conveys knowledge and enhances understanding caninform us.(一场传递知识、增进理解的演讲可以给我们提供信息。)

27、It was considerate of Michael toinform us of his delay in case we got worried.(迈克尔考虑得很周到,他把会迟到的事情告诉了我们,以防我们担心。)

28、On the exercise's website, officials explain that the report they prepare during this rehearsal willinform disaster management for years to come.(在演习的网站上,官员们解释说,他们在这次演习中准备的报告将为未来几年的灾难管理提供信息。)

29、It was remiss of them not toinform us of these changes sooner.(他们粗心大意,没有早一些通知我们这些变化。)

30、The other's portrayal of Muir's pfe is a testimony to what it means to be pfelong learners and to use that learning toinform and bring about change.(另一个人对缪尔一生的描述,证明了成为终身学习者并利用这种学习传递信息和带来改变的意义所在。)



英 [ɪnˈfɔ:m] 美 [ɪnˈfɔ:rm] 过去式: informed 过去分词: informed 现在分词: informing 第三人称单数: informs



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