很多朋友们对(【wreak什么意思】wreathe是什么意思)有所疑问,那么组词66网就来说说吧! 英 [ri:ð] 美 [rið] v.环绕;盘绕;作成花圈 您可能还想了解: 冰组词大全|冰组词详解 钵组词大全|钵组词详解 拨组词大全|拨组词详解 过去式: wreathed 过去分词: wreathed 现在分词: wreathing 第三人称单数: wreathes verb 1.form into a wreath Synonym: wind 2.decorate or deck with wreaths e.g. wreathe the grave site 3.move with slow, sinuous movements 1.(烟、雾等)笼罩,缭绕 wreathe e.g. The ship was wreathed in smoke... 2.(花草)环绕;用(花环等)装饰 e.g. Its huge columns were wreathed with laurel and magnolia. 1. wreathe 1. 缠绕;围着:entourage 周围,环境,随从 |wreathe 缠绕;围着 | wrench 扳钳, 扳手, 猛扭, 痛苦, 扭伤, 歪曲 2. 环绕:wreath 花圈 |wreathe 环绕 | wreck 失事船 3. wreathe 3. 缠绕:wreath 花环;圈状物;螺旋形物 |wreathe 缠绕 | wreck buoy 沉船浮标 4. 成圈:wreath 花圈 |wreathe 成圈 | wreck 遇难船 关于《【wreak什么意思】wreathe是什么意思》的内容到这里就结束了,如果朋友们有其他看法请留言! |