
网站小编 2023-02-26 18:50:04 6

Stuck in the Swamp


“Help, I’m stuck in the swamp!” shouted John as he flailed his arms in an attempt to gain some purchase in the muddy waters.





John had been out walking in the nearby forest when, without warning, he had stepped into a deep pool of water. Panicking, he had tried to swim to safety but the mire was simply too thick and he had been instantly sucked in up to the waist. After several attempts to pull himself out of the water, John found himself exhausted and still firmly lodged in the mud.

Now, all John could do was cry out in desperation, hoping that someone would soon come to his aid. Fortunately, help did arrive in the form of a friendly ranger who, upon hearing John’s cries, had rushed to his assistance. The ranger quickly assessed the situation before donning a pair of waders and entering the swamp in order to dislodge John. It was a tricky operation as the mud was so thick that it was almost like a solid mass, making it difficult to take hold of anything solid but, eventually, the ranger was able to wrap his arms around John and pull him to dry land.

Once on the bank, both men immediately set about freeing the mud from John’s body and clothing. There was little that could be done about the latter, though, as the material was completely saturated – it was going to have to be thrown away. John, however, was glad to be alive and thanked the ranger for his help. The experience, he said wryly, had made him appreciate the fact that it never pays to take risks in nature.

From then on, John vowed to tell everyone he knew not to take risks when it came to exploring swamps and surrounding areas. Better to stick to the paths and avoid the temptation of doing something daring – that was the lesson that John had learnt. The man’s traumatic experience of getting stuck in the swamp had taught him that lesson – without his rescuer’s help, he could have been a goner.

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