
网站小编 2023-06-04 16:19:53 4




1、Purple andyellow flowers peeped up between rocks.(紫色与黄色的花从岩石之间探出头来。)

2、The walls have been painted brightyellow.(这些墙壁已被漆成亮黄色。)





3、The wings are tipped withyellow.(翅膀的尖端呈黄色。)

4、yellow is the predominant colour this spring in the fashion world.(黄色是今春时装界的流行颜色。)

5、His eyeballs were an unhealthyyellow.(他的眼球是不健康的蜡黄色。)

6、For our dining room I have chosen ochreyellow walls.(我为我们餐厅的墙壁选择了褐黄色。)

7、If you mix blue andyellow, you get green.(蓝色和黄色相混合就是绿色。)

8、Children scampered off theyellow school bus and into the playground.(孩子们跑下黄颜色的校车,奔跑进了操场。)

9、Paul made five-year-old Michelle a birthday cake withyellow icing.(保罗给5岁的米歇尔做了一个裹了黄色糖霜的生日蛋糕。)

10、Red andyellow flames spurted out of the fire.(炉火吐出红色黄色的火焰。)

11、Many insects are banded black andyellow.(很多昆虫有黑色和黄色的条纹。)

12、The basement hallway is painted a warmyellow.(地下室的走廊被涂成暖色调的黄色。)

13、Her hair was an improbable shade ofyellow.(她的头发带有怪怪的黄色。)

14、You might use ayellow filter to improve the clarity of a hazy horizon.(你可以用一个黄色滤光器来提高模糊的地平线的清晰度。)

15、The male'syellow beak differentiates it from the female.(雄鸟黄色的喙是与雌鸟相区别的主要特征。)

16、I've highpghted the important passages inyellow.(我用黄色标出了重要段落。)

17、The sky turned from fiery orange to lemonyellow.(天空由火红色变成了柠檬黄。)

18、A series ofyellow arrows pointed the way to reception.(连续的黄色箭头标出往接待站的路。)

19、Sheringham was then shown ayellow card for dissent.(谢林汉姆当时因不服判罚被亮了黄牌。)

20、I undid the bottom two buttons of myyellow and grey shirt.(我解开了我黄灰色相间衬衫最下面的两个钮扣。)

21、The walls were covered with a paleyellow wash.(墙壁刷了一层薄的浅黄色涂料。)

22、The band was playing far off in their blue andyellow uniforms.(这个乐队身着蓝黄相间的制服正在远处演奏。)

23、yellow clothes are worn as symbopc of spring.(黄色衣服被穿着来象征春天。)

24、She was trussed up withyellow nylon rope.(她被人用黄尼龙绳子捆得一点儿也动不了了。)

25、yellow and green together make a pale green.(黄色和绿色在一起就成了嫩绿色。)

26、Crowds of people plodded around inyellow plastic raincoats.(一群群身穿黄色塑料雨衣的人在四下里吃力地走着。)

27、She was dressed inyellow.(她穿着黄衣服。)

28、She had pale thinyellow hair she pulled back into a bun.(她的头发稀疏、淡黄,往后梳成了一个圆髻。) Hao86.com

29、The walls were paintedyellow.(墙壁漆成了黄色。)

30、Green andyellow pghts bpnked on the surface of the harbour.(绿色和黄色的灯光在港湾水面上闪烁。)



英 [ˈjeləʊ] 美 [ˈjeloʊ] 比较级: yellower 最高级: yellowest 名词: yellowness 过去式: yellowed 过去分词: yellowed 现在分词: yellowing 第三人称单数: yellows





Yellow Mountain造句

Yellow River造句


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