<1>英尺的英文怎么说?1> The English foot (plural: feet) is an Anglo-Saxon linear unit of measurement. One foot is 12 inches, or one-third of a yard. It is pided into 12 inches and is equivalent to 30.48 centimetres in the metric system. It is also equivalent to approximately 0.3048 metres. The English foot can trace its roots to ancient times, when it was used for measuring length in the Imperial system of measurement. It is believed that the ancient Egyptians used the foot in measuring the length of their pyramids, and that the ancient Greeks used it to measure the distance travelled by horses and chariots in races. It was also used in the ancient Roman Empire, where it was known as the pes. 您可能还想了解: 忠厚怎么造句|忠厚造句大全 抱歉怎么造句|抱歉造句大全 抱负怎么造句|抱负造句大全 The English foot is the primary unit of measurement used in the Imperial system, which was the primary form of measurement in the United Kingdom and many other countries during the 19th and 20th centuries. It is still widely used in the United States, where it is the official unit for measuring length for federal projects. In the interest of international standardization, the International System of Units (SI) has officially adopted the metre as the primary unit of length measure. However, in many parts of the world, the foot remains in popular use so units of length such as inches and feet are still widely used in everyday life. For example, the height of an average adult human is typically measured in feet and inches. The English foot is also widely used in construction for rough estimates of length and area, including the size of a house or the length of a fence. The English foot is an important legacy of the Imperial system of units. Although the metre is the primary unit of length measurement, the English foot can still be found in many everyday activities, such as calculating the size of a room or the height of a person. |
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