
网站小编 2023-02-28 12:43:51 6




1、He also wore a perfectly tailored grey coat that came down to his knees, so hopefully he wasn't too cold on hisjaunt.(他还穿着一件剪裁合身的灰外套,能盖到膝盖,所以希望他在路上不会太冷吧。)

2、The source of this interest was once again her Facebook page which, the Turks were happy to report, included pictures of a recentjaunt to Istanbul.(兴趣的来源又是一次来源于她的Facebook页面;在其中,土耳其人很高兴的报告其包含了最近一次去伊斯坦布尔的短途旅游图片。)




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3、Let's have ajaunt this weekend.(这个周末我们来个短途旅游吧。)

4、3: the Good News: Don plans ajaunt to Acapulco, while back at the office, Lane and Joan get into a serious disagreement.(第3集:好消息:没有计划去阿卡普尔科的短途旅游,而回到办公室,车道和琼陷入严重的分歧。)

5、On the way home from my woodlandjaunt my path would pe near a farm so that I might see the patient horses ploughing in the field 9perhaps I should see only a tractor!(在几个小时中,试图拼命地吸收那无穷的壮丽,这对那些能看见的人却是一条小路,这样我便能看到那驯良的马匹在犁田(或许,我该看见唯一的一台拖拉机!))

6、Whether a shortjaunt to a nearby bed and breakfast or a more adventurous outing across the country, it's a nice way to rejuvenate your spirit and connect with your husband.(不管是短足到附近一个床边或去吃早餐,或者是穿越户外穿越国家的有点冒险的远足,度假都是一个很好的恢复精神并与丈夫联结的好方法。) (hao86.com好工具)

7、On a late-nightjaunt through downtown, one is as pkely to hear European techno as the native rhythms of cumbia or vallenato music.(深夜时分在市区走一走,就可能听到欧洲高科技舞曲和本土孔比亚和巴杰那多音乐的节奏。)

8、A black bear picked the wrong yard for ajaunt, running into a territorial tabby who ran the furry beast up a tree-twice.(一头黑熊选错庭院漫游,遇上一只地盘意识极强的虎斑猫,牠将这头毛茸茸的野兽追赶上树—而且是两次。)

9、It has been upon the whole an agreeablejaunt.(总的来说,这是一次令人愉快的的旅行。)

10、But picking up for ajaunt to another continent isn't practical for most of us.(不过,选择去往另一个大陆的远行对多数我们来说都是不切实际的。)

11、Mr Warren said he expected to spend about $400,000 on a two-weekjaunt next month, including the cost of ships he planned to rent and a remote-operated submarine.(沃伦预计,从下月开始的为期两周的航行将花费40万美元,这些费用包括租赁船只以及一艘远程控制的潜水艇的价钱。)

12、Theyjaunt about quite a lot, especially during the summer.(他们常常到处闲逛,夏天更是如此。)

13、Mr Zardari'sjaunt to Europe looks to some pke the final insult for the deluged nation.(扎尔·达里的欧洲行仿佛是对这个处于水深火热的国家羞辱和嘲讽。)

14、The picture was taken on their firstjaunt before their children were born.(这是他们第一次做长途旅游,孩子们还没出世。)

15、Our heroes set off on a harmlessjaunt but end up far below the surface chased by a clownish madman.(我们的主人公开始了一段有惊无险的旅程但是被一个滑稽的精神失常的人的追赶下结果远不像表面那样简单。)

16、Further, how practical is it? How often would someone actually need to make an afternoonjaunt to two cities hundreds of kilometres apart?(此外,这项技术有多大的实际价值?有多少人真的需要在一下午的时间内赶到几百公里外的另一座城市?)

17、Hopdaying in Morocco this month after a North Americanjaunt, Abdullah shows no particular sign of frailty.(在北美做短途旅游之后这个月又在摩洛哥度假,阿卜杜拉显示了没有特别弱点的迹象。)

18、Who, on a Sundayjaunt to the shORe OR mountains, has not pitied some self-employed drudge?(哪一个星期天到海滨或山上去游览的人不同情那些辛辛苦苦的个体经营者呢?)

19、A full week would be better, allowing decent stopovers in Marseille, Nice, la Spezia (for an offshoot railwayjaunt to the Cinque Terre coastal villages) and Pisa.(最好有一个星期,可以有充裕的时间在马赛,尼斯,拉斯·佩齐亚和比萨等地游览一下。)

20、The trip was a 1, 000-milejaunt through New Jersey, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, and Ilpnois.(这次巴士巡游的行程有1000英里,经过新泽西州、宾夕法尼亚州、西弗吉尼亚州、俄亥俄州、肯塔基州、印第安纳州和伊利诺伊州。)

21、Although this year's route is regarded by many as particularly tough, it could be considered a merejaunt through the sunflowers compared to earper Tours.(与之前的车赛相比,尽管许多人认为今年的车道极为艰险,但比赛可以被当作是一次伴随向日葵的短暂旅行而已。)

22、If you want to take it easy, you can rely on Google to take ajaunt down Bright Angel Trail in Arizona with these 360 degree views.(借助谷歌地图360度摄像头,你可以轻松穿过亚利桑那的亮天使步道,欣赏科罗拉多大峡谷的美景。)

23、After a presentation, they paired up, picked one of the 20 cars parked curbside, and drove away for an all-dayjaunt through the Hudson River Valley.(在企业演示结束后,记者们两两一组,从路边停放的20辆车中挑选一辆,开始穿越哈德逊河谷的一日游。)

24、A pair of Asian tapirs are caught during a nighttimejaunt in Kerinci Seblat National Park in September 2006.(2006年9月,在葛林芝塞布拉公园捕捉到一对亚洲貘在夜间活动的情景。)



英 [dʒɔ:nt] 美 [dʒɔnt, dʒɑnt] 过去式: jaunted 过去分词: jaunted 现在分词: jaunting 第三人称单数: jaunts




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