<1>隐身的英文怎么说?1> Invisibility is a form of concealment that seeks to hide the presence of something or someone in the environment. It is a concept often discussed in science fiction, but there are applications of invisibility in the real world. The most popular example of invisibility is cloaking. Cloaking involves the manipulation of light so that it bends around the object being concealed, making it invisible. Through the use of metamaterials which are materials that can bend, absorb or scatter electromagnetic radiation, a cloaking effect can be created. Although cloaking technology is in its infancy, it has been shown to be possible to some degree in the lab. 您可能还想了解: 龘笔顺_龘笔画多少 靐笔顺_靐笔画多少 (zest造句大全)zest什么意思|zest用法和短句 Another form of invisibility makes use of the difficulty of detecting objects in the background noise of its environment. This method is distance dependent and can be used to hide objects in noise like that of ocean waves and clouds. Invisibility has great potential in areas such as stealth military applications, camouflage, search and rescue, and espionage. In addition, there has been research into the use of invisibility as a tool for medical diagnosis and as an aid in surgery. Invisibility could also be used to enhance the security of communication systems by allowing only intended parties to see the transmitted information. Invisibility could also be used to control the flow of information, preventing the unauthorised from accessing sensitive data. Real-life applications of invisibility range from the mundane to the innovative. An example of a mundane application is the use of a liquid crystal polymer to create glasses that are almost invisible. Other applications, such as a solar cell that is almost totally invisible and an invisible paint, show the potential of this technology to be innovative. Although invisibility has been discussed in the realms of science fiction for many years, recent research has shown that invisibility may one day become a reality. Invisibility can be used to increase security, reduce detection and ultimately, keep us safer. |
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