
网站小编 2023-03-18 22:47:59 5

In Chinese, the phrase “栩栩如生” is often used to describe something that looks terrifyingly real. This phrase has been derived from an ancient Chinese poem which reads “犀牛之攻其栩栩如生”, a vivid description of the ferocity of a rhinoceros in battle which renders it almost indistinguishable from a real one.


When used today, 栩栩如生 is often a term of admiration. Be it a sculpture of a fierce rhinoceros or a skillfully crafted wax model of a human being, anything so detailed and lifelike can be described as "栩栩如生".





This phrase could be further used to describe art forms in many more modern ways. An example of this can be seen in the world of animatronics, where robotic models of creatures are engineered to execute smooth and lifelike movements in order to replicate their real-life counterparts. This advanced form of robotics is highly popular at theme parks, museums, and other places of leisure, where visitors can interact with robots that are "栩栩如生" – almost indistinguishable from the real things!

The phrase “栩栩如生” can also be applied to the field of computer animation, or “3D Animation”. Making use of advanced applied algorithms and software, computer animators are able to render remarkably realistic animations that can easily fool the viewer. Such animations can be said to be “栩栩如生”, as their visuals and movements are so close to those of real-world creatures and objects that they seem to almost leap off the screen.

Finally, “栩栩如生” describes a kind of emotional realism that can be found in the realm of theater. Professional actors working together and using the most advanced techniques of facial expression, body language and voice can convey characters so convincingly that the audience will be likely to be fooled into thinking that they are real. This astonishingly intense form of performance and artistry can also be described as “栩栩如生”.

Clearly, the phrase “栩栩如生” can be used to describe a wide range of artistry, from ancient sculptures and wax models to modern animatronics and computer animation. All in all, anything that is so lifelike and detailed that it can be mistaken for the real thing can be said to be “栩栩如生” – meaning “vibrant and lifelike”.

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