<1>彩灯的英文怎么说?1> Colored Lights are often used to beautify our environment during the holiday season. They come in the form of strings of lights,lamps and lanterns. Colored Lights have been around for centuries,used to decorate the world around us during festive times. In ancient China, colorful lanterns played an important role during festivals, acting as ornaments of celebration. In the western world, in particular in Europe, colored lights were first used decoratively during the Medieval Christmas period. Over time, different forms and colors of colored lights have evolved until modern times. 您可能还想了解: 踣组词大全|踣组词详解 镈组词大全|镈组词详解 膊组词大全|膊组词详解 Nowadays colored lights are used in various forms and colors to feature a festive atmosphere. During Christmas season around the world, streets, parks, plazas, even entire villages are lit up with a variety of colors and patterns. These scenes create an appealing, shared experience of holiday celebration, filled with awe and astonishment. In other parts of the world, colored lights are used in spiritual ceremonies and celebrations. For example, in India, which has a strong spiritual belief system, colored lights are commonly seen in religious ceremonies. Furthermore, colors have been found to have a calming, meditating effect and as a result, colors can be found featured with such intent in some Buddhist temples In summary, colored lights are used in all parts of the world to provide a festive atmosphere, or to reflect and evoke spiritual sentiments, or represent religious beliefs. They are an awesome sight when seen in nature and in some places, produce an aura of peace and tranquility. |
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