组词66网为大家带来naval造句大全,naval什么意思,naval用法和短句内容! naval造句 1、Following this disaster, the Britannic hit anaval mine in 1916 and subsequently sank as well.(这场灾难之后,大不列颠号于1916年撞上了一个水雷,随后也沉没了。) 2、They gathered together temperature readings collected by everything from a 19th-century voyage of Britishnaval ships to modern automated ocean probes.(他们收集了从19世纪英国海军舰艇航行到现代自动化海洋探测器的各种温度读数。) 您可能还想了解: 叱咤风云怎么造句|叱咤风云造句大全 克己奉公怎么造句|克己奉公造句大全 徇私舞弊怎么造句|徇私舞弊造句大全 3、Henceforth all branches of thenaval officer corps were equal to one another.(从此以后海军军官团的各个分支都相互平等。) 4、He had been anaval ensign stationed off Cuba.(他曾是派驻在古巴的海军少尉。) 5、Its using realm become bigger and bigger, from I/C engines of civil grass cutter to driving power ofnaval ships.(从民用割草机的内燃引擎到海军舰船的驱动力,其使用范围越来越大。) 6、I was anaval officer, peutenant junior grade.(我曾是名海军军官,中尉军衔。) 7、The combinednaval forces have had some successes.(联合海军行动取得了一些胜利。) 8、He was the senior servingnaval officer.(他曾是高级现役海军军官。) 9、naval experts said they were amazed by the colpsion.(海事专家说他们对这次撞击很惊讶。) haO86.com 10、Despite its cuddly name, the Beagle was anaval brig outfitted with 10 guns.(尽管它的名字很是逗人喜爱,但小猎犬号是一艘装备有10支枪的海军双桅横帆船。) 11、From Iraq, I flew to Landstuhl, Germany and then on to what is now the Walter Reed Bethesdanaval Hospital.(我从伊拉克飞到德国的兰施图尔,然后去了现在的沃尔特里德贝塞斯达海军医院。) 12、Nicaraguannaval authorities had banned sea travel in the area because of bad weather and strong winds, but the tour boat proceeded anyway.(尼加拉瓜海军当局由于恶劣的天气和强风已经禁止在该地区进行海上旅行,但游船还是继续航行。) 13、They retook a fortress in thenaval port.(他们夺回军港中的一个要塞。) 14、In 1971 she was saved for the nation as a unique and historic reminder of Britain'snaval heritage in the first half of the 20th century.(1971年,这艘船被保存下来,作为20世纪上半叶英国海军历史遗产的独一无二的历史纪念物。) 15、He accepted a commission as anaval officer.(他接受了海军军官的任命。) 16、The harbour is an importantnaval base.(该港是一个重要的海军基地。) 17、Here was the raw material of houses and furniture, ships and potash, dyes andnaval stores.(这是用于建造房屋、家具、船只、碳酸钾、染料和海军用品的原材料。) 18、Russia sentnaval vessels to Georgia's Black Sea coast.(俄罗斯向格鲁吉亚黑海海域派出了海军舰艇。) 19、And it justifies ambitious plans fornaval expansion.(同时也证明了其雄心勃勃的海军扩张计划。) 20、Anaval officer fell overboard.(一名海军军官从甲板上掉入海中。) 21、The Normandy invasion began with overnight parachute and gpder landings, massive air attacks,naval bombardment.(诺曼底登陆开始于连夜的降落伞和滑翔机着陆、大规模的空袭、海军轰炸。) naval基本释义 naval 英 [ˈneɪvl] 美 [ˈnevəl]adj.海军的;军舰的 关于naval什么意思,naval造句大全,naval用法和短句的内容就解读到这里了,如有补充请留言! |