组词66网为大家带来key造句大全,key什么意思,key用法和短句内容! key造句 1、Thekey to success is preparation.(成功的关键是准备。) 2、He could have taken a sparekey.(他原本可以带上一把备用钥匙的。) 您可能还想了解: 龘笔顺_龘笔画多少 靐笔顺_靐笔画多少 (zest造句大全)zest什么意思|zest用法和短句 3、Confidence is thekey to success.(信心是成功的关键。) 4、I saw you put thekey in your pocket.(我见你把钥匙放进了口袋里。) 5、He turned thekey in the lock.(他转动钥匙开锁。) 6、She turned thekey and the pd sprang open.(她一拧钥匙,盖子啪地打开了。) 7、They zeroed in on thekey issues.(他们集中讨论了关键问题。) 8、Housing is akey driver of the economy.(住房是拉动经济的主要因素。) 9、She got thekey stuck in the lock.(她把钥匙卡在锁里了。) 10、She turned thekey in the lock.(她转动锁眼里的钥匙。) 11、Cost was akey element in our decision.(价钱是我们决策时考虑的主要因素。) 【hao86.com好工具】 12、They put thekey in the door and entered.(他们用钥匙开了门然后走了进去。) 13、He fumbled thekey into the ignition.(他笨拙地把钥匙插进汽车点火开关。) 14、She rammed thekey into the lock.(她将钥匙塞进锁眼。) 15、He was akey figure in the campaign.(他是这场运动的关键人物。) 16、He let himself in with a duppcatekey.(他用一把另配的钥匙打开门进去了。) 17、Drat! I forgot mykey.(真见鬼!我忘带钥匙了。) 18、She pstened for hiskey in the latch.(她留神听着他把钥匙插入门锁。) 19、Their wedding was a very low-key affair.(他们的婚礼办得很低调。) 20、Wait a minute—this isn't the rightkey.(等一等,不是这把钥匙。) 21、The computer just dings when I press akey.(我一按键,电脑就发出丁的一声。) 22、The wedding will be a very low-key affair.(这场婚礼将非常低调。) 23、Good communication iskey to our success.(良好的沟通是我们成功的关键。) 24、Thekey is hanging on a string by the door.(钥匙拴在门边的带子上。) 25、Thekey has stuck in the lock.(钥匙卡在锁里了。) 26、Thekey to his success is his logical mind.(他成功的关键在于他的逻辑思维。) 27、Thekey doesn't fit the lock.(这把钥匙打不开这把锁。) 28、Speed iskey at this point.(在这个时候速度是关键。) 29、I've lost mykey and I haven't got a spare.(我把钥匙丢了,还没有备用的。) 30、His contribution could bekey.(他的贡献可能是最重要的。) key基本释义 key 英 [ki:] 美 [ki] 名词复数: keys 过去式: keyed 过去分词: keyed 现在分词: keying 第三人称单数: keysn.键;关键;钥匙;答案 adj.关键的;主要的 vt.键入;用钥匙锁上;为 ... 调音 key组词造句 key component造句 key ring造句 key word造句 keyboard instrument造句 Monkey King造句 关于key什么意思,key造句大全,key用法和短句的内容就解读到这里了,如有补充请留言! |