
网站小编 2023-10-19 08:02:24 8




1、I put anotherkilogram on, it goes down to this mark.(我增加另一公斤,它降到这个标记。)

2、A device that weighs less than onekilogram is part of a mission that will allow scientists to depver fourth generation or 4G mobile coverage to the moon in 2019.(这款重量不到一公斤的设备是一个任务的组成部分,该任务可以让科学家在2019年将第四代或4G移动网络覆盖月球。)





3、Producing a singlekilogram of magnesium requires 10kg of coal, says Dr Yabe.(Yabe博士说,单单产生1kg镁就需要10kg煤炭。)

4、By comparison, onekilogram of tomatoes requires 160 ptres of water.(相比之下,生产一公斤的番茄需要160升水。)

5、A kidnapper poured one or twokilogram kerosene on the floor from a kettle.(一个绑匪从一个水壶里倒了一两公斤的煤油在地上。)

6、You can't spend a lot on a five-kilogram system.(你不会在一个5公斤重的系统上花费太多。)

7、Expensive at around $40 perkilogram.(这种肉排卖得很贵,大约要40美元一公斤。)

8、Here it is. The unit price is USD 15.00 perkilogram.(在这儿,单位价格是每千克15美元。)

9、Flour is sold by thekilogram.(面粉按公斤出售。)

10、And for onekilogram of Chinese leaves, half would be discarded before packaging.(一千克的大白菜,在包装之前,一半会被丢弃。)

11、Can you run a 140,000kilogram train on just the steam generated by solar power?(你能用太阳能产生的蒸汽驱动一辆14万公斤的火车吗?)

12、What used to cost producer 50 cents perkilogram of refined product now costs $8.(稀土生产商生产一公斤精炼稀土产品的成本原本为50美分,而现在增加到8美元。)

13、"Metric tonne or MT" means a tonne equivalent to 1,000kilogram.(公吨或MT指的是等于1000千克的一吨。)

14、We have five centimeters for the first halfkilogram.(第一个半公斤,移动了5厘米。)

15、By adding onekilogram, - look where that point is — it's still moving.(增加1公斤,看这点的位置-,它还在动。)

16、Thekilogram is the only unit of measurement still based on a man-made artifact.(千克是唯一一个仍然基于人造物体的测量单位。)

17、66 yuan perkilogram.(每公斤0.66元。)

18、Can you add onekilogram now?(你能增加一公斤吗?)

19、Where 50-kilogram king salmon once fought their way up waterfalls to lay their eggs in gravel beds, there now are only concrete walls holding back still water and deep beds of muddy deposits.(50公斤重的大马哈鱼王曾经奋力爬上瀑布,把卵产在砾石床上,现在只有混凝土墙挡住静止的水和深深的泥床。)

20、We bought akilogram of lemons from the supermarket.(我们从超市买了一公斤的柠檬。)

21、These apples cost five yuan perkilogram.(这些苹果每公斤五元。)

22、Together with thekilogram, initially the mass of a decapter of distilled water, it formed the basis of the metric system.(它和千克(10升蒸馏水的重量)一起构成了公制计量的基本单位。)

23、Suppose I wanted to raise the 10,000-kilogram.(假设我想,举高10000公斤。)

24、Bids are in yen perkilogram.(竞标价格是以日元每公斤标注的。)

25、I normally weigh just 2 or 3 pounds (about onekilogram).(我通常只有2或3磅重(大约1千克)。)

26、Vendor: 3 Yuan perkilogram.(小贩:每公斤三块钱。)

27、We will take a chunk of some material and we will call it akilogram.(我们取一大块物质,称它为一千克。) 【hao86.com好工具】

28、There are gram calories andkilogram calories.(有克卡路里和千克卡路里。)



英 [ˈkɪləgræm] 美 [ˈkɪləɡræm] 第三人称复数:kilograms



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