<1>拔苗助长的英文怎么说?1> Pulling up seedlings to help them grow is a problem that has been debated among farmers for thousands of years. The practice, also known as “pulling up seedlings”, involves digging around a seedling, exposing its roots, and then tugging on its stem until it pops out of the ground. It is believed to stimulate root growth and help the plant reach full maturity. Throughout history, farmers have had various opinions about pulling up seedlings. Some see it as a valuable practice for maximizing yields, while others see it as a waste of time and effort. Those in favor of the practice point out that pulling the seedling from the ground at an early stage of growth can help encourage better root development and a more robust root system. The theory is that exposing the roots more to the air and light can encourage more fibrous root growth and stronger stem development. 您可能还想了解: 安于盘石大全|安于盘石详解 | toxic是什么意思|toxic代表什么意思 Those who oppose pulling up seedlings claim that the practice can be harmful to the root systems of young plants, leading to weak and shallow root development. They argue that this practice does not guarantee better root growth and that it can actually damage the root systems of sensitive plants. On top of that, proponents of this practice will have to devote time to periodically check on the seedling and reposition its stem if it has grown too deeply into the soil. In spite of the ongoing debate, pulling up seedlings is a practice that has been adopted by some farmers in recent years. This is likely because of its cost-effectiveness and potential for increased yields. Many farmers are now using the practice to promote earlier root growth, better root anchorage and facilitate the uptake of nutrients and water. While some claim that pulling up seedlings is a waste of time, the benefits it can provide can be invaluable to a farmer. When done properly and in conjunction with other practices such as judicious irrigation, it can be a great way to help maximize yields and get the most out of a crop. Even if it doesn’t always guarantee better results, it can certainly be worth a try. |
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