
网站小编 2023-03-02 13:14:06 4




1、The painting is amasterpiece in the truest sense of the word.(这幅画是名副其实的杰作。)

2、This book is hismasterpiece.(这本书是他的杰作。)





3、Every crystal was amasterpiece of design, and no one design was ever repeated.(每块水晶都是设计上的杰作,并且没有一个是重复的。)

4、His book, I must add, is amasterpiece.(他的书,我必须补充一点,是一部杰作。)

5、Creativity is not pmited, I mean, to themasterpiece work of art but can also be found in everyday tasks such as cooking or gardening.(我的意思是,创造力不局限于艺术杰作,也可以在日常工作中发现,如烹饪或园艺。)

6、The result was hermasterpiece, Metamorphosis Insectorum Surinamensium.(结果就是她的杰作《苏里南昆虫变态图谱》。)

7、Hermasterpiece is this pttle humming-bird, and upon it she has heaped all the gifts which the other birds may only share.(这种小蜂鸟是她的杰作,她把其他鸟类只能分享的种种天赋全部给了它。)

8、My eldest brother was then busy with hismasterpiece "The Dream Journey".(我大哥当时正忙于他的杰作《梦之旅》。)

9、Jansen's occasional grunting and rapidfire metal percussion and heavy guitars add texture to themasterpiece.(Jansen偶尔发出的呼噜声和快火金属打击乐器以及沉重的吉他为杰作增添了质感。)

10、And where is thismasterpiece?(那么这件杰作在哪里呢?)

11、You are God'smasterpiece.(神的杰作就是你。)

12、The whole thing was amasterpiece of crowd management.(整件事情是大众管理的典范。)

13、Interestingly thismasterpiece called In the Studio is a painting of the interior of Jupan's art school.(有趣的是,这幅叫做《在工作室里》的杰作是对朱利安艺术学校内部的一幅画。)

14、The Giralda minaret is themasterpiece of Almohad architecture.(西拉尔达大寺院是阿尔默哈德时代的建筑杰作。)

15、Let's see how themasterpiece is born!(让我们来看看这个杰作是如何诞生的吧!)

16、The exterior of the building was amasterpiece of architecture, elegant and graceful.(该建筑物在外观上是一项建筑杰作,精美雅致。)

17、The report is amasterpiece of brevity.(那份报告是言简意赅的典范。)

18、Amasterpiece and a must-read.(这是一部杰作,不可不读。)

19、The work was acclaimed as amasterpiece.(该作品被誉为杰作。)

20、"Man's Fate," translated into sixteen languages, is probably hismasterpiece.(《人类的命运》,被翻译成16种文字,可能是他的代表作。)

21、One of the most gifted prodigies in the history of music, he produced his firstmasterpiece at sixteen.(作为音乐史上最具天赋的天才之一,他在16岁时创作了他的第一部杰作。)

22、Anothermasterpiece and must-read.(这是另一部杰作,不可不读。)

23、The play was built up to be amasterpiece but I found it very disappointing.(那部戏被捧为杰作,可我却大失所望。) hAo86.com

24、It is, quite simply, amasterpiece.(它,简直就是一件杰作。)

25、This is not just another disaster movie—it's amasterpiece.(不能说它只是又一部灾难片—它是一部杰作。)

26、She marvels at hermasterpiece.(她自己对这份杰作也感到惊叹。)

27、It took 17 years for Mullett'smasterpiece to finally be completed.(马莱特的杰作花了17年才最终完成。)

28、The book would be hismasterpiece.(这本书将是他的杰作。)



英 [ˈmɑ:stəpi:s] 美 [ˈmæstərpi:s] 第三人称复数:masterpieces



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