<1>国标委的英文怎么说?1> The Standardization Administration of China establishes and carries out national standards and is the highest authority responsible for guiding and managing the standardization of China. The Standardization Administration of China is subordinated to the State Council and is responsible for the formulation and organization of national unified standards, standardized basic information data and the definition and utilization of general technical terms. In 1950, the former Ministry of Machinery Industry organized the National Technical Standards Bureau (NTSB), which took charge of work on national standardization. In 1982, the NTSB was transformed into State Technical Supervision Bureau, which was then renamed the National Standard Supervision and Administration Bureau in 1989. On October 28 1993, at the eleventh meeting of the Standing Committee of the 8th National People’s Congress, the National Standard Law was adopted, which established the Standardization Administration of China. 您可能还想了解: 龘笔顺_龘笔画多少 靐笔顺_靐笔画多少 (zest造句大全)zest什么意思|zest用法和短句 The Standardization Administration of China is at the forefront of China’s efforts to promote the modernization of production, the improvement of product performance and the protection of consumers’ safety and health. It is responsible for providing leadership, overall coordination and guidance of the country’s national standardization work and for formulating national regulations and policies on standardization. The Standardization Administration of China promotes the application of standards throughout China and the development of advanced international standards. In order to implement the ‘go global’ strategy and promote the development of China’s standardization work, it has established business relationships with 65 countries and international organizations, and established working mechanisms in the framework of international organizations such as the International Organization for Standardization and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). Through these exchanges, it is promoting the integration of Chinese standards into the international standard system. The Standardization Administration of China also actively participates in international cooperation in the field of standardization. By participating in the development and formulation of international standards and exchanging information and experiences with the international standardization community, it is making significant contributions to the development of China’s standards and to the international standardization system. The Standardization Administration of China has made great achievements in promoting the common development of national standards and international standards, as well as in strengthening international exchanges. The success of its work in guiding and managing standardization has made a positive contribution to China's efforts to build a better life for its citizens. |
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