<1>邂逅的英文怎么说?1> Meeting by Chance I shouted hello to the stranger who walked pass me on the street. Little did I know that I would be meeting someone with whom I would fall deeply in love. 您可能还想了解: 纔组词大全|纔组词详解 裁组词大全|裁组词详解 材组词大全|材组词详解 He was tall and handsome, with a hint of an exotic accent, and he smiled when he replied to me. We soon found ourselves deep in conversation, talking about our lives and our pasts. I felt as if I had known him for years and we were told how it felt like being in the same place for a lifetime. We decided to get together for a date and I was so excited. I couldn’t believe that this man, who I had only just met, could cause such a reaction in me. But there was a sense of anticipation in the air that I had never felt before. We talked for hours and explored our new found connection. We started to open up and share the innermost secrets that we had both been carrying around and the realization that we had found ‘the one’ hit us like a ton of bricks. We have been inseparable ever since and time has flown. If it wasn’t for our serendipitous meeting, then we would have never found each other. I often stop and smile when I think of the moment we met and I am so thankful that we had that chance encounter. Meeting someone by chance is always a magical experience. You just never know when and where you will find that special someone who is the one you have been waiting for your whole life. What a marvelous way of finding love! |