<1>辅助的英文怎么说?1> Auxiliary is an indispensable part of our life. It can play a very important role in helping us get things done quickly and making our lives more convenient. First of all, auxiliary can help us do things faster. In some cases, we have to put in a lot of effort to do something. For example, if you want to knit a sweater, you have to spend a lot of time on it, even if you are an experienced knitter. With the help of auxiliary, it could be much faster and easier. Things like sewing machines and looms can greatly reduce the time needed to knit, and other activities like cooking or cleaning can be done much more quickly thanks to the help of household appliances. 您可能还想了解: 忠厚怎么造句|忠厚造句大全 抱歉怎么造句|抱歉造句大全 抱负怎么造句|抱负造句大全 Second of all, auxiliary can help us with tasks that we don’t know how to do or that we are not good at. Take cooking for example. If you are not a good cook, it could be very difficult for you to create a delicious dish in a short time. However, with the help of recipe books, cooking videos and instant food or frozen food, you can easily make a great dish, even if you have never cooked before. Finally, auxiliary can make our lives more convenient. For instance, instead of travelling to a place, you can use online services such as online shopping, online banking and so on. In this way, you don’t have to go out and queue up, which saves you a lot of time and energy. In conclusion, auxiliary can greatly improve our lives by making things faster and more convenient. It is undeniable that people’s lives have become much easier and more comfortable because of the help of auxiliary. In the future, as technology advances, auxiliaries in all aspects of life will become more and more ubiquitous, making life even more convenient. |
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