<1>气动系统的英文怎么说?1> Pneumatic systems are one of the most widely used forms of power transmission in the world. They are used in a wide variety of applications, such as industrial manufacturing, automotive, aircraft, medical and many more. Pneumatic systems typically involve the transmission of pressurized air or other gas through a system of valves, solenoid valves, pumps, actuators and cylinders in order to control motion and force. A basic pneumatic system consists of a compressor, reservoir, valves and actuators. The compressor takes in atmospheric air or other gas and compresses it to a desired pressure. The reservoir stores air or gas at a constant pressure. The valves control the flow of air or gas and the actuators push or pull in response to commands from a controller. 您可能还想了解: 龘笔顺_龘笔画多少 靐笔顺_靐笔画多少 (zest造句大全)zest什么意思|zest用法和短句 Pneumatic systems are used in a variety of applications because they are relatively simple and inexpensive to install and maintain. They are also capable of producing large forces with small amounts of pressure and can be used for both linear and rotary motion. They are preferred in applications where dust and debris must be kept out of moving components, such as in certain medical applications. A pneumatic system can be controlled manually or electronically. Manually controlled systems involve the use of a valve to control the flow of air or gas to the actuators. An electronically controlled system uses solenoid valves, which are triggered by an electronic signal. This allows for more accuracy and precision in the control of the system. Pneumatic systems are typically used in industrial manufacturing and other tasks that require precise and powerful motion control. They are often used in robotic arms, automatic and semi-automatic machines and other automated processes. They can also be used in the automation of aircraft, automobiles and medical equipment. Pneumatic systems have many advantages, including the fact that they are relatively low cost and can be easily maintained. They are very efficient and reliable and can be used to produce accurate and controlled motions. They are also capable of providing large amounts of force with very small inputs of air or gas pressure. Pneumatic systems are also very versatile and can be used in a wide variety of applications. They can be used for both linear and rotary motion, as well as for controlling force and speed. In addition, they can be easily integrated with other control systems. |
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