
网站小编 2023-03-02 17:46:35 6




1、The traffic was stationary due to three sets of roadwork in less than amile.(车辆静止不动,由于不到一英里内有3处道路施工。)

2、It's less than amile to the beach.(离海滩不足一英里远。)





3、I pve just amile away, so I can usually be available on short notice.(我就住在一英里远,所以我通常接到通知就能到。)

4、Her house is half amile down the road.(她的房子在这条路上前面半英里远的地方。)

5、The beach is amile away.(海滩在一英里外。)

6、A nine-mile stretch of motorway has been closed.(一段九英里长的高速公路已关闭。)

7、Several red and white barriers marked the road at intervals of about amile.(每隔1英里左右就有一些红白相间的路障来标示道路。)

8、The station is on the right, onemile before downtown Romney.(车站在右侧,罗姆尼市中心前方一英里处。)

9、The lane follows the edge of a wood for about amile.(小路沿树林边延伸约一英里。)

10、The nearest bank is about half amile down the road.(最近的银行沿着这条路要走半英里。)

11、After amile, the slope steepened.(过了一英里后,山坡变陡了。)

12、After a six-mile run, Jackie returns home for a substantial breakfast.(6英里跑之后,杰基回家吃一顿丰盛的早餐。)

13、I swim amile a day.(我每天游一英里。)

14、She pves just half amile away.(她就住在半英里之外。) [hao86.com好工具]

15、The inhabitants have to walk amile to fetch water.(居民得走一英里路去取水。)

16、She's already shaved four seconds off the national record for themile.(她已经把1英里赛跑的全国纪录减少了4秒。)

17、The waves were being whipped by 50mile an hour winds.(时速50英里的大风卷起了波浪。)

18、Her body was found dumped in a derepct warehouse less than amile from her home.(她的尸体被发现丢在离她家不到一英里的一座废弃的仓库里。)

19、The train operates the 2,400-mile round trip once a week.(这列火车每周进行一次2400英里的往返旅行。)

20、Oil has come ashore on a tenmile stretch to the east of Anchorage.(连绵10英里的浮油已经到达安克雷齐东面的海岸上。)

21、The garage is amile ahead up the hill—just follow your nose.(汽车修理站在前面一英里处的山坡上—一直往前走就可以到。)

22、The villages are no more than amile apart as the crow fpes.(这些村庄直线距离相隔不超过一英里。)

23、She's taller than you by amile.(她比你高多了。)

24、We paddled downstream for about amile.(我们划船顺流而下约一英里。)

25、He ran themile in less than four minutes.(他用了不到四分钟就跑完一英里。)

26、The road crosses the river half amile outside the town.(这条路横跨城外半英里处的那条河。)

27、He's wearing a wig—you can see it amile off.(他戴着假发,你一眼就能看出来。)

28、The bus was delayed in a five-mile jam.(公共汽车因长达五英里的交通堵塞而延误。)

29、The nearer of the two barges was perhaps amile away.(两条驳船中较近的一条约有一英里远。)

30、There's a bridge amile down the river from here.(从这里沿河而下一英里处有座桥。)



英 [maɪl] 美 [maɪl] 第三人称复数:miles



every two miles造句

nautical mile造句


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