
网站小编 2023-03-02 18:18:03 5

Favoritism is all around us. People generally prefer some persons, places or things over others. We all have our reasons why we favor certain persons, places or things and this is often the result of our very personal experiences we have spent together with those objects or people.


Favoritism is a complex emotion which needs to be handled with a highly delicate attitude as it can easily give birth to jealousy and conflict. favoritism can cause emotional damage to not just the favored object or person, but also to the others who do not feel they are being favored. This can create resentment, low self-esteem and emotional insecurity.





Talking about favoritism in the workplace, it is a fact that employers, educators and teachers often tend to focus on certain inpiduals and prefer them over the others. This can be a result of the fact that, apart from the skill or talent of the favored inpidual, there must be some other factors that play an important role in enticing the opposite candidate. Gender, nationality, ethnicity and even finances can often act as factors that contribute to favoritism in any organization.

In the more personal context, favoritism can be defined as a preferential treatment of an inpidual based on the personal ties shared. It could be based on social ties, professional ties or even intellectual ties to the person providing the favoritism.That being said, friends, family and even colleagues have been known to provide certain favors to inpiduals based on the aforementioned ties. In some cases, however, this favoritism is not fully appreciated by the other inpiduals involved in the situation, as they might feel that their own contributions and achievements are not getting the appropriate recognition.

Overall, favoritism can definitely be a complex matter and is a reality that most of us struggle with in our everyday life. In the workplace, educational institutions and other societies and groups, it is of the utmost importance that mechanisms are put in place to ensure that there is fair treatment of all inpiduals involved. The key is to ensure that fairness is practiced and every inpidual’s contribution to the work or group is appreciated and rewarded.

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