
网站小编 2023-03-03 09:46:19 9

High Oleic Acid Value


High oleic acid value is a term referring to the relative amount of oleic acid in a cooking oil. It is most commonly used to show the proportion of monounsaturated fatty acids, such as oleic acid and linoleic acid, to saturated fatty acids, such as palmitic acid, in a cooking oil or fats.





Oleic acid, also called omega-9 fatty acids, is one of three types of monounsaturated fatty acids that are found in vegetable and animal oils. It is an unsaturated fatty acid which is primarily used by the body for energy. Oleic acid is found in many edible fats and oils, including olive oil, palm oil, and sunflower oil.

So what is high oleic acid value? It's a measure of the total amount of oleic acid (omega-9 fatty acids) relative to the total amount of saturated fatty acids found in a food or oil. High oleic acid values indicate that the product contains more unsaturated fatty acids, such as oleic acid, than saturated fatty acids.

A high oleic acid value is generally good for health because it means that the product contains more of the monounsaturated fatty acids (omega-9 fatty acids) that are considered to be beneficial than the saturated fatty acids that should be avoided.

A high oleic acid value is also desirable for cooking or baking because it means that the product is less likely to be affected by high temperatures. Foods cooked or fried at higher temperatures are more likely to form unhealthy trans fats, which are derived from the hydrogenation process used to make liquid oils. When a cooking oil or fat has a high oleic acid value, it is less likely to form trans fats during cooking.

In addition, studies have found that cooking oils and fats with a high oleic acid value are also less likely to oxidize, or become rancid, under certain conditions. Oxidized fats can create off flavors, and prolonged exposure to air and light can cause a reaction that produces free radicals, which are potentially harmful to human health.

High oleic acid values are generally found in unrefined oils such as extra virgin olive oil, virgin and cold-pressed oils, and some seed oils. These types of oils are generally healthier than their more refined counterparts, such as refined, bleached, hydrogenated and non-hydrogenated oils.

In conclusion, high oleic acid values indicate that the oil contains more of the healthy monounsaturated fatty acids and less of the unhealthy saturated fatty acids. This is beneficial for both health and cooking purposes. Additionally, unrefined oils with a high oleic acid value are generally healthier than their more refined counterparts.

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