<1>罐头瓶的英文怎么说?1> Canning jars, also known as canning bottles, are widely used in home canning. They are made of either glass or plastic, designed to withstand the heat of boiling water bath or pressure canner necessary to preserve food. They come in two main types; regular and wide-mouth, each of which with its own set of pros and cons. Regular canning jars are narrow-mouthed and come in both clear and colored glass. The lids on these jars are typically metal and feature a rubber gasket to ensure air-tight seal and prevent bacteria and other contaminants from entering jars. The advantage to using a regular canning jar is that the narrow neck allows for smaller amounts of food to be stored in a single jar. The downside is these jars are harder to fill, as the entrance to the jar is smaller. 您可能还想了解: (zest造句大全)zest什么意思|zest用法和短句 (zigzag造句大全)zigzag什么意思|zigzag用法和短句 (zeal造句大全)zeal什么意思|zeal用法和短句 The wide-mouth jar, on the other hand, has an opening twice as wide as the regular jar. This makes them easier to fill, but also requires larger amounts of food preserved in a single jar. Although these jars can come in glass, they are most commonly made of plastic, which makes them more durable and shatter-resistant. Wide-mouth jars are also often easier to clean than regular jars. For those who are just starting out in home canning, it’s best to start with regular canning jars first. This is because they offer the required size and shape needed and require a moderate amount of food while still ensuring a safe and airtight seal. As you progress in the art of canning, you can eventually switch to wide-mouth jars, if desired. Canning jars are an essential part of any home canning process. The right choice of jar can help ensure that the preserved food remains safe to eat and that the canning process is carried out successfully. So when it comes to canning, the type of jar you use really does matter! |