
网站小编 2024-01-04 18:09:20 2




1、Unfortunately, his idea of bold journapsm was a hatchet job, portraying the staff in anegative pght.(很遗憾,他所谓的大胆新闻报道是一种恶意攻击,对工作人员进行了负面的报道。)

2、Not everyone is able to filter out thatnegative element.(不是所有人都能过滤掉那些负面元素。)





3、Scientists have a fairlynegative attitude to the theory.(科学家对这个理论的态度是相当消极的。)

4、Call it the power ofnegative thinking.(这就是消极思维的力量。)

5、It's really a simple numbers game withnegative and positive numbers.(这其实是一种正负数的简单数字游戏。)

6、Thenegative impacts of natural disasters can be seen everywhere.(自然灾害的负面影响随处可见。)

7、negative emotions focus our awareness.(负面情绪使我们的意识集中。)

8、They received anegative reply.(他们得到一个否定的答复。)

9、Last year, her diary was always full ofnegative reports.(去年,她的日记里总是充满了负面的报道。)

10、Let's not finish on anegative note, though.(尽管如此,我们也不要以消极的方式结束。)

11、Don't think too much about thenegative things.(不要想太多消极的事情。)

12、Printing a black-and-whitenegative on to colour paper produces a similar monochrome effect.(将黑白底片冲印在彩色纸上产生一种类似的单色效果。)

13、Those are all prettynegative adjectives.(那些都是比较负面的形容词。)

14、It's just one of those words that's got so manynegative connotations.(它只是那些有很多负面内涵意义的词之一。)

15、Perhaps there is anegative side to his character that you haven't seen yet.(或许他性格中有你还未看到的消极一面。)

16、He called for a clean fight in the election and an end to "negative campaigning."(他呼吁在竞选中公正交锋,停止“消极竞选”。)

17、The Council answered those questions in thenegative.(理事会对那些问题做出了否定回答。)

18、It also focuses your thoughts and entire being on thenegative.(那样还会让你的思想和你整个人都集中到消极的东西。)

19、Consumers generally place more weight onnegative information than on the positive when deciding what to buy.(消费者在决定购买的时候,一般更看重负面信息而不是正面信息。)

20、Try not to letnegative thoughts take over.(尽量别受消极的想法左右。)

21、All too often it is only thenegative images of Ireland that are portrayed, colouring opinions and hiding the true nature of the country.(通常只有爱尔兰的负面形象被加以描绘,从而影响了人们的看法并掩盖了这个国家的实质。)

22、His response wasnegative.(他的回答是否定的。)

23、Being unemployed producesnegative attitudes to work.(失业会对工作产生消极态度。)

24、Indifferent relationships are neither positive nornegative.(冷淡的关系既不是积极的也不是消极的。)

25、Dr. Velayati gave a vague butnegative response.(韦拉亚提医生做出了一个含糊但否定的答复。)

26、Before we know it, we're thankful fornegative things, too.(不知不觉中,我们也会对消极的事情心存感激。)

27、We're glad if our music makes a strong impression, even if it's anegative one.(如果我们的音乐能产生一个深刻的印象,即使它是负面的,我们也很高兴。) Hao86.com

28、You must not view what happened in anegative pght.(你切切不要从负面的角度来看待所发生的事。)

29、Difficult texts record a positive score and simple ones scorenegative numbers.(难度大的文本标为正值,简单的文本标为负值。)



英 [ˈnegətɪv] 美 [ˈnɛɡətɪv] 副词: negatively 名词: negativeness 过去式: negatived 过去分词: negatived 现在分词: negativing 第三人称单数: negatives





positive and negative effects造句


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