
网站小编 2023-03-04 12:42:05 4

The Chinese doll is a traditional handicraft product of our country. It is one of the important symbols of Chinese culture and civilization.


Since ancient times, Chinese people have been making dolls, which are commonly known as “Chinese dolls”. In many areas, Chinese dolls are generally small dolls with heads and bodies joined together, painted or carved faces and limbs, wearing traditional costumes, many of which look like ancient royal children. In the past, rich families had collections of these dolls, which were also popular peoples' children's playmates.





Today, Chinese dolls are becoming more and more popular with their elegant and refined beauty. Collectors not only collect these traditional culture, but also the dolls already have spiritual connotation. They are the artistic crystallization of craftsmen to use their hands to create the delicate works.

The shape of Chinese dolls not only signify the beauty of the traditional national customs, but its material also can reflect people’s life. We will use eggshells, flexible mud, straw, paper, cloth and other materials to make Chinese dolls. Somehow, it is also the miniaturized version of Chinese culture.

In the history, there have been a lot of famous Chinese dolls. The "Jade Emperor's Children" in Henan Province are still kept in the National Museum, made of jade and stone, more than 4,000 years ago. During the Song Dynasty, huanghuali dolls were developed, which were made of precious huanghuali wood and quickly became a must-have for the royal family. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the craftsmen made the puppet farmer, which highly reflected the social life, and received wide attention from the people all over the country.

To sum up, Chinese dolls are not only a good form of artistic expression, but also has a strong cultural value. It is an important part of the traditional Chinese culture, and is deeply loved by people both at home and abroad.

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