
网站小编 2023-03-04 16:26:10 5

As the weather gets warmer, people starts to feel more uncomfortable with higher temperatures and search for ways to cool down.There are many ways to reduce the temperature in our daily life.


First of all, keep litter out of our living space. Clutter in our living space, compose of mostly paper and cardboard, can absorb more heat and make the temperature even higher. The more stuff we have, the more heat it will accumulate and make us feel stuffy. Try to keep the living space more neat and clean, it helps to cool down the temperature.





Second, open the window and let the air in. Open the window to let some air in, which not only helps to relieve the temperature but also improve air quality. Opening a window doesn’t necessarily means to get a breeze in, try to keep the wind direction coming from to preferably from the ocean or lake, which usually carry a lower temperature. If the wind is directed from an opposite direction, it will make the temperature even higher.

Third, use fans to circulate the air. Fans could blow the hot air in our environment away and disperse the cool air around. It will not only help to cool down the air but also make us feel less stuffy and more comfortable.

Fourth, try wearing lighter and more breathable clothing. Clothes made of cotton or linen are more preferable because they can absorb sweat more efficiently and they don’t accumulate heat as much as other fabrics, which makes us feel more comfortable in hot temperatures.

Fifth, keep your body hydrated and cool. Drinking more water would help to prevent dehydration, which is very common in this weather. Try to drink water that are not too cold, which can help to lower the body temperature.

Sixth, try eating cooling foods. Eating foods that are high in water content such as fruits and veggies could help to cool down the body in summer days. It has to be noted that too much cooling foods or beverages can make our body temperature too low and make us feel uncomfortable.

Finally, try not to overexert yourself in this hot weather. Try to avoid outdoor activities as much as possible, as the sun radiates more heat in the afternoon. Too much physical activities can make us even hotter. If you must do some activities in high temperatures, try to take some sun measures such as bringing an umbrella or wearing a hat to protect yourself from the sun.

Sometimes, we can’t change the weather but using these tips, we can cool down our living environment and make ourselves feel more comfortable in hot temperature.

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