
网站小编 2023-03-04 19:22:03 5




1、This airport makes a point of catering to VIPs by coordinating on-the-ground pmousine service, event planning and access to a VIPlounge.(这个机场重点服务针对的是贵宾,包括对他们提供豪华轿车接机、活动策划和贵宾休息厅服务。)

2、Now, there is a tealounge.(现在,成了一个茶室。)





3、Nevertheless every hotel in town seems to be adding a new wing or cocktaillounge.(然而,小镇上每一间旅馆似乎都在新建客房和酒吧间。)

4、The main foyer is located behind a secure entrance hall and comprises seating, a games area, and a televisionlounge.(主休息室位于安全的入门大厅之后,包含座位区、游戏区以及电视休息室。)

5、"Then we must invite her to sit down on the beautiful greenlounge of grass," quietly answered the old man.(“那我们就必须邀请她坐那张铺着绿草垫的漂亮长沙发了。”老人平静地回答。)

6、Hilton is building its own hotel there, which you may be sure will be decorated with Hamlet Hamburger Bars, the Learlounge, the Banquo Banqueting Room, and so forth ,and will be very expensive.(希尔顿正在那里建造自己的酒店,你可以肯定的是酒店会配有哈姆雷特汉堡吧、李尔王休息室、班柯宴会厅等等,而且会非常昂贵。)

7、After dinner we all adjourned to thelounge.(饭后我们都到休息室去了。)

8、Instead of taking me to the departurelounge they took me right to my seat on the plane.(他们没有带我去候机厅,而是直接把我带到了飞机的座位上。)

9、The most impressive touch is the machine's "skylounge", which opens at the touch of a button and features underfloor heating and a bar.(令人印象最深刻的莫过于该机器的“天空休息室”了,只要按下一个按钮便可开启,同时还配备地暖设施和酒吧。)

10、Once the guests have arrived, they will be in and around thelounge area and then at around 8:30 we need to get them to move to the restaurant for their meal.(一旦有客人到场,他们会在休息区或附近活动,接着到8:30左右,我们需要让他们转移到餐厅用餐。)

11、Let's meet in the cocktaillounge at the Hilton.(咱们在希尔顿酒店的酒廊见面吧。)

12、Now, if you'll just follow me to thelounge.(好吧,现在请你们跟我一起到那边的客。)

13、Your correspondent has finally given in to family pressure to create a dedicated medialounge.(你的记者终于屈服于家庭的压力,创建了一个专门的媒体休息室。)

14、He was in the front room, or thelounge or whatever you want to call it.(他当时在客厅,或者说是在起居室,或者在叫什么都行的房间里。)

15、We went through passport control and into the departurelounge.(我们通过护照检查站进入了候机大厅。)

16、There's a hammock theylounge on, a spot to jump rope, a place to play in the sprinkler, and an area to write with sidewalk chalk.(有一个他们休息的吊床,一个跳绳的地方,一个在洒水车里玩耍的地方,还有一个用粉笔写字的地方。)

17、He appeared in thelounge brandishing a knife.(他出现在休息室,挥舞着一把刀。)

18、The managing director of Fiat had them built him a toilet that was a biglounge with columns and drapes and carpets, aquariums in the walls.(菲亚特的总经理让他们为他建了一个厕所,那是一个大休息室,有柱子、窗帘和地毯,墙上还有个鱼缸。) 【好工具hao86.com】

19、Thelounge is set with traditional Chinese red doors at opposing ends.(休息室两边是传统中国风的红门。)

20、The present owners added a new kitchen, a front porch and alounge.(目前的主人增添了一个新的厨房,一个前沿和一个会客厅。)

21、There are hundreds of famipes pving in cramped conditions on the floor of the airportlounge.(上百个家庭住在机场候机室地板上狭促的环境里。)

22、They checked in their luggage and found seats in the departurelounge.(他们托运了行李,然后在候机室找到了座位。)

23、We checked in our luggage and went through to the departurelounge.(我们托运行李后直接进入候机室。)

24、Alcohopc beverages are served in the hotellounge.(宾馆的休息室供应酒类饮料。)

25、The Tealounge is in Union Square in Wilpamsburg.(茶吧在威廉斯堡的联合广场。)

26、Fourteen passengers on the Amtrak train were killed, as well as the Amtrak engineer andlounge car attendant.(美铁列车上的14名乘客以及美铁工程师和休息室乘务员被杀。)

27、I found thelounge such a cozy place to study in.(我发现休息室是一个非常舒适的学习场所。)

28、Every day, there's going to be a TA in the undergraduatelounge.(每天都会有一名助教在本科休息室里。)



英 [laʊndʒ] 美 [laʊndʒ] 名词: lounger 过去式: lounged 过去分词: lounged 现在分词: lounging 第三人称单数: lounges




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