
网站小编 2023-03-08 19:06:01 4

Who doesn't love a graceful swan? All of us, regardless of young and old, are keen on their graceful dance.


Swans belong to the Anatidae family, and in English, their scientific name is Cygnus. They can be found on lakes, rivers and other wetlands. Most swans are large, with a length from 137 cm to 170 cm, and a wingspan from 203 cm to 300 cm. Usually, they are entirely white or white with a black band on the back of their neck.





The most iconic feature of swans is their long neck, which occurs because they are "bent neck swans". The energy they save by stretching their necks and tucking their heads into their wings gives them the benefit of extra speed when they take off and fly. And, this is why they look so graceful and elegant in the sky.

Besides, swans are knowned for performing "wedding dances". During this ritual, a pair of swans will perform an elegant sequence of movements that include preening, lots of bowing and even a bit of a "flight". In their courtship dance, swans demonstrate their faithfulness to their partners since swans mate for life.

Swans had a long history in our civilization. Ancient Greeks depicted swans as symbols of beauty and the gods of beauty (most notably Aphrodite). In Chinese culture, the swan has connotations of fidelity, and represents the dedication of lovers over thousands of miles of separation. Furthermore, European fairy tales tell of a swan prince and princess trapped in swan form.

In today's society, swans are admired for their grace and symbolize love, romance and togetherness. In fact, one of the most popular tales of true love is "The Ugly Duckling''. I'm sure no one can deny that underneath all that ugly feathers, the ugly duckling eventually transforms into a beautiful white swan.

So, while most of us have no real encounters with swans, their cultural presence is still deeply felt. The swan is a symbol we share in literature and culture, and so, we should show them more respect.

No matter how you feel about the graceful swan, it's still one of the most elegant creatures of nature. Let us all take a lesson from the swan and show loyalty, grace, and love to those who deserve it.

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