<1>成绩单的英文怎么说?1> A Report Card is a document that lists the academic performance of a student in a particular course over a certain period of time. It is an important document that teachers and parents rely on to track a student’s progress. A good report card will include a range of information about the student’s performance in academics, such as course grade, attendance rate, and behavior. A report card provides a detailed summary of a student’s achievements and performance in different areas. Most report cards contain an overall grade for each course, along with smaller grades or scores for different aspects of the course. For instance, a math course might have grades for inpidual topics such as fractions or algebra. Other courses, such as English, may provide grades on reading comprehension or grammar. 您可能还想了解: 安于盘石大全|安于盘石详解 | toxic是什么意思|toxic代表什么意思 The main purpose of a report card is to give students, parents, and teachers feedback on a student’s progress. Report cards are also important for motivating students to study and excel in their courses. A good report card can give students a sense of accomplishment and make them proud of their work, while a poor report card can be a wake up call for students to refocus on their studies. Lastly, report cards are also valuable for tracking a student’s performance and progress over time. By analyzing the data from multiple report cards, parents, teachers, and students can identify areas of strength and weakness, track their improvement and make plans for the future. In conclusion, report cards are an easy and effective way for parents, teachers, and students to track a student’s performance. They also provide feedback that can help to motivate and inspire a student to strive for success. |
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