<1>头发的英文怎么说?1> Hair is an important part of our appearance, and it can greatly affect our self-image. From intricate braids to bold haircuts, humans have used hairstyles to express their inpiduality for centuries. Most mammals have fur to protect them from the elements, but humans and some primates have hair instead. All of us have microscopic hair all over our bodies, and most humans grow a full head of coarser hair on their scalps. Though styles and preferences vary, hair is usually a combination of two types: short hairs called vellus and longer hairs called terminal. 您可能还想了解: 安于盘石大全|安于盘石详解 | toxic是什么意思|toxic代表什么意思 The color of our hair is determined by the amount and type of a pigment called melanin in our hair follicles. Depending on our genes, which is determined by our parents, our hair can range from blond to black, with many shades in between. People with all types of hair color can find flattering and stylish haircuts, haircolor, and hairstyles to express their unique style. Hair is unique because it grows from a protected area underneath our skin. It’s covered by multiple layers of skin, called the epidermis, and it’s protected by a pair of glands called the sebaceous glands. Our hair is made up of a protein called keratin, which is what helps it stay strong and healthy. Hair is a lot more than just a fashion accessory – it also has important cultural significance. Hair can signify power, strength, faith, and even social status. In some cultures, religious people may choose to shave their heads to express humility and faith, while in other cultures women’s long hair may represent their femininity and beauty. Hair can also be used to convey emotion. Some cut their hair in times of grief, while others opt to grow out their locks in order to start fresh. Hair can be a great way to express our feelings and reflect what’s going on in our lives. No matter the color, length, or style, hair can be an important way to express ourselves and make a statement. From conservative to daring, every hairstyle can say something about who we are. So go ahead and show off your unique style with a fabulous new ‘do! |
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