
网站小编 2023-04-02 09:58:42 2

Anhui, otherwise called Anhwei or Wan Bĕi, is a northern territory of the People's Republic of China. Situated on the lower ranges of the Yangtze River, Anhui is limited on the west by the territory of Hubei, on the upper east by Jiangsu, on the southeast by Jiangxi, and on the north and northwest by Shandong. The territory is computed to have a region of 68,000 square miles.


Anhui is for the most part framed through the Huang He (Yellow River) valley and the feeble slopes along its banks. The track of the old course of the Huang He is even now obviously distinguished toward the north and east of the current one, which veered progressively further toward the east. The basic geology of Anhui is that of a huge lowland basin that is set apart along the northwest side by the two ranges of the Huai River, the southernmost of which extension into the north of Jiangsu region. Generally, the scene ascends from the slopes and lower wide open along the Yangtze River to the all the more incredibly elevated zone along the edge of the Huang He basin and next tall slopes nearing 3,000 feet around Bozhou and the Huai River.





The climate of Anhui is all around different, the temperature of its north being lower than in its south; the temperature range is likewise wide—with typical temperatures in the low teens in the chilliest months, to highs of 28 °C in the late spring. The proportion of precipitation across the territory is intemperate, with over 80% of it going through the southern level fields. The dry season doesn't generally start until late March or early April.

Anhui is the home area of a significant number of the world-renowned Confucian students and is known as the "hometown of Confucius". The Confucius Temple, situated in Qufu and worked in the subsequent century B. C., was the author's resounding lecture hall and home. Located close to the eastern border of Anhui is the acclaimed Daoist heaven and asylum of Huangshan. The historical backdrop of Anhui goes back to the Shang Dynasty (c. seventeenth–eleventh century BC).

The acclaimed Chinese essayist Lu Xun from Shaoxing, Zhejiang was brought up and educated in Anhui. The renowned writer and artist Ma Yuan originates from a cultivated town in the Anhui district. The eminent writer Cao Xueqin, author of the celebrated Chinese novel Dream of the Red Chamber, was conceived in Anhui. Numerous different artists and Marxist investigators, for example, Li Dazhao, Qu Qiubai, Mao Dun and Liu Zaifu, were additionally conceived in the territory.

Anhui has long been acclaimed in China for its workmanship, culture, local expressions and customs. Its customs and customs incorporate the hanging of plum blossoms, the making and eating of three varieties of cakes known as gui (corner cakes), its one of a kind manner of chime hanging, Hefei Opera, jasmine sing-talk, Wan Bĕi style of painting, Shexian style of musical show, Duangling style of drum persion, and the style of a breath instruments.

Anhui is known for its advanced specialized accomplishments; it is the home region of vital mechanical organizations, for example, the Anhui-based Tsinghua Tongfang and Anhui Conch Cement. The range is well known for making pottery, a wide range of handyman apparatuses, dried and singed snacks, sewing machines, pressing materials, agricultural hardware and car and frill. Anhui additionally produces paper, wicker containers and cardboard boxes.

Anhui is an amazing and well known area in China praised for its recorded landmarks, unblemished characteristic landscape, and extraordinary workmanship. Its catchphrases are tranquility and excellence, and Anhui will consistently possess a unique spot in the souls of the inpiduals who have been lucky enough to encounter it.

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