初中作文频道小编[天邊彩虹 〆]今天给大家整理了《2022年山西中考英语作文答案》的优秀初中作文,这篇2022年山西中考英语作文答案共有325字,是一篇很优秀的原创初中作文,这篇2022年山西中考英语作文答案很值得大家参考和学习。 A possible version: A school did a survev among 1,267 students about their favorite kinds of English homework. Here are the results.42% of the students like listening and speaking homework best,and 29% enjoy reading and writing.The percentage of the students who like the hands-on project is 22% and 7% choose other kinds of homework. As for me,I like the hands-on project best because it connects what I’ve learnt with real life in an interesting way. Three weeks ago, we were asked to make an English poster about Dragon Boat Festival.Then Icollected lots of information on the festival.Finally. not only did I finish the task nerfectly. but also Ipot a deener understanding of our colorfu culture.In my oninion. it's the hands-on project that arouses my interest in English and enriches my experiences in learning. 编辑推荐: 2022年全国各省市中考英语作文题目 2021年全国各省市中考作文题目汇总 2022年全国各省市中考作文题目汇总 相关Tags:英语 |