相关推荐 英语经典美文3篇 在平凡的学习、工作、生活中,许多人都写过美文吧?在各种竞争日益激烈的今天,在网络中,很多人都会喜欢一些比较伤感的美文,人们通过阅览这种文章来对自己的心情进行调解,以此为一种精神上的寄托。那么你真的知道要怎么写美文吗?以下是小编收集整理的英语经典美文,希望能够帮助到大家。 查尔斯是在同一时刻看到他们俩的:一只白色的小鸟和坐着轮椅沿着小径悠然而来的小女孩。小鸟滑翔而下,栖息在草地上;女孩子则平稳地驾着轮椅,穿行在阳光下婆娑的树影之间。她停下来看了看池塘里的鸭子,当她再次用手推动轮椅时,查尔斯一下子站了起来。“我来推你好吗?”他一边喊道,一边穿过草地朝她奔去。那只小鸟嗖地飞上了树梢。 大部分时间都是他在喋喋不休,他似乎害怕话一停,她就会请他离开,好让她独自呆着。从她的脸上看不出有任何缘于轮椅的无助表情,因而他知道,他的帮助并没有被看作是一种恩惠。他问起她致残的原因。 “我12岁那年出了一场车祸,”艾米解释说。 他们一起去吃午餐。幸好她能完全照料自己,不然他可就尴尬了。 “你和什么人住在一起吗?”第二天见面时他问。 “就我自己,”她答道。尽管他希望得到这样一个答案,但是问这个问题仍然让他有些不安,因为他自己也过得很孤独。 他开始喜欢把轮椅的白色手柄握在手里的感觉,喜欢在那两只镶有白边的金属轮子中间推车行走。他对她披在身后的、微微起伏的长发愈加熟悉,几乎超过了对她的眼睛和嘴唇的熟悉程度。有一次,他对着她波浪一般起伏的长发说:“真希望我是你生命中惟一为你推轮椅的人。”但她只是莞尔一笑,眼里没有任何表示。 6月里,她曾为他烧过一顿晚餐。她坐在轮椅上样样事情都能做,他以为她会为此而自豪的,但她仅仅把这视为一件理所当然的事,并无自豪感可言。发现这一点后,他不免有些怅然若失。他望着自己的手拿起盐瓶,把它放到一块较高的、不常用的碗柜搁板上,然后等着她请求帮助。他不明白自己为什么要这样做,但她的眼神让他意识到,他的恶作剧有多么残酷。为了让她忘掉他刚才的蠢行,他跟她谈起了公园里的那只小白鸟。 “我也看见了,”她说。“我曾经读过一首诗,诗中的小白鸟经常飞来栖息在一户人家的窗台上,女主人开始拿出食物喂它。很快,女主人便爱上了这只鸟儿,可这场爱恋并不般配。小鸟每天飞到窗前,女主人便每天捧出食物。恋情结束之后,小白鸟一去不返,可女主人连着几年日复一日地把面包屑放到窗台上,任风把它们吹走。” 7月里,他时常带她去划船。最令她感到不自在的是只能由查尔斯把她抱上抱下,她称之为“货物装卸”。但对查尔斯而言,那样的.时刻仿佛就是他们户外活动的最精彩部分。她在船上感到很无助,只能坐在一个地方,没法四处活动。而且如果翻船,她可不会游泳。查尔斯对她的不安不予体察。她的确发现他是多么喜欢控制别人。8月初的一天,他来喊她去划船,她说什么也不肯去。 她说,他们不妨出去散散步,这样她可以凭自己的臂力推动自己,他则可以走在她身边。 “你为什么不让自己的胳膊轻松一下,让我来推你呢?” “不用。” “你的胳膊会酸的。三个月来一直是我在推你呀!” “可在你出现之前,我推了自己12 年。” “但我不愿你自己推自己而我却只能袖手旁观!” “你以为过去两个月的每个周末,我就喜欢无可奈何地坐在你的船上吗?” 他从未考虑过这个问题,一时间惊讶得说不出话。最后他平静地说道:“我从未意识到这一点,艾米。你一直坐在轮椅里——我没想过让你坐在船上你会介意。我以为这是一回事。” “这不是一回事。坐在轮椅里,我能自己行动,需要去哪儿就可以去哪儿。而那条船却困住了我,让我无计可施——万一发生什么事,我掉到了水里,我甚至连自救都不会。” “可是有我在呀!难道你认为我救不了你,不能帮你活动或是干你想干的任何事吗?” “你能。可是,查尔斯——问题在于我花了12年的时间才学会自理。我甚至孤身一人住在离家几英里远的城市,强迫自己独立,一切都由自己动手。把我放在船上,等于剥夺了我所获得的一切。难道你不明白我为什么反对你那样做吗?我不想让自己感到懦弱无助。” 他们沿着小路继续往前走着,最后他失去了控制,说:“艾米,我需要你依赖我。” 查尔斯只在心里自私地想着自己的需要。他一把抓过轮椅,推着她飞跑起来。结果她只得把手从轮子上放开,以免伤着了自己。他看不到她眼眸中的愤怒,这样也好,因为那种愤怒不是他所能理解的。 第二天早上,她不愿接他打来的电话。不过下午,在他收到的邮件中有一封信,他知道那准是艾米写来的。字写得并不漂亮,但无疑是她的笔迹。里面只有一张卡片,她在上面写道: 如果你渴望爱情, 就必须给它自由。 倘若鸟儿回还, 它就不再飞走。 若它去无影踪, 你从未真正拥有。 (无名氏) 他冲出公寓大楼,不相信艾米会搬家。他朝她的公寓狂奔而去,一路上只有一个声音不绝于耳:“给它自由;你必须给它自由!” 但是他想:我不能冒这个险,她是我的;我决不能放手,决不能让她不属于我,决不能让她以为她不需要我;她一定需要我。哦,上帝,我必须得到她! 然而她的公寓空空如也。她一定是在头天夜里花了几个小时打好行装——自己动手——独自离去。此刻,房间里不再有任何生命的气息。他倒地啜泣,回答他的只有一片阴冷的寂静。 到了8月中旬,他依然没收到艾米的任何消息。他时常去公园,但总是小心翼翼地不去寻找那只小白鸟。 9月不觉来临,又即将悄然逝去,他终于收到了另一封熟悉的来信。无疑是她的笔迹。邮戳标明寄自另一个遥远的城市。他撕开信封,最初还以为里面空无一物,随后才发现有一根从信封中飘落的洁白羽毛。他的脑海里幻化出那只小白鸟,它振翅飞翔,一片羽毛从它的翅上抖落。倘若不是鸟儿在离去时留下这片羽毛为证,有谁会知道小白鸟曾经来过?他幡然醒悟:艾米再也不会回还。不知过了多久,他才让那根羽毛从手中悄然滑落。 英语经典美文2Your forever friend follows, If you lose you way, Your forever friend guides you and cheers you on. Your forever friend holds your hand and tells you that everything is going to be okay. And if you find such a friend, You feel happy and complete, Because you need not worry. 你转身走开时, 真正的朋友会紧紧相随, 你迷失方向时, 真正的朋友会引导你,鼓励你。 真正的.朋友会握着你的手,告诉你一切都会好起来的。 如果你找到了这样的朋友, 你会快乐,觉得人生完整 英语经典美文3There are many apple trees in a garden. They’re good friends. One day an old tree is ill. There are many pests in the tree. Leaves of the tree turn yellow. The old tree feels very sad and unwell. Another tree sends for a doctor for him. At first, they send for a pigeon, but she has no idea about it. Then they send for an oriole, and she can’t treat the old tree well. Then they send for a woodpecker. She is a good doctor. She pecks a hole in the tree and eats lots of pests. At last the old tree becomes better and better. Leaves turn green and green. Today is Sunday! On Sundays, I usually play the flute.My father usually reads the newspaper. My motherusuallycleansthe house. Buttoday my mother is in bed. She is ill. My father has to do the housework. Now, he is cleaning the house. “Sam, can you help me?” “Yes, Dad!” Now, we’re washing the car. Where’s my sister, Amy? She is playing my flute. What a lucky girl! One day a dog with a piece of meat in his mouth was crossing a plank over a stream. As he walked along,helookedintowater,andhesawhis reflection. He thought this was another dog carrying a piece of meat. And he felt he would like to have two pieces. So he snapped at the reflection in the water, and of course, as he opened his mouth, the piece of meat disappeared quickly. Tony is seven years old. He is an honest and polite boy. One day, it was Sunday. Tony, his sister and his mother stayed at home. He was watching TV and his sister was reading books. His mother was washing clothes. Just then, his father came back with a bag of pears. Tony likes pears very much and he wanted to eat one. His mother gave him four and said, “Let’s sharethem.” “Whichpeardo youwant, Tony?” asked his mother. “The biggest one, mum.” “What?” said his mother, “You should be polite and want the smallest one.” “Should I tell a lie just to be polite, mum?” Today is Susan’s birthday. She is nine years old. Her friends are in her home now. There is a birthday party in the evening. Look! Mary is listening to the music. And Tom is drinking orange juice. Jack and Sam are playing cards on the floor. Lily and Amy are watching TV. Someone is knocking at the door. It’s Henry. He brings a big teddy bear for Susan. The teddy bear is yellow. Susan is very happy. All the children are happy. They sing a birthday song for Susan. It was a cold winter day.A farmer found a snake on the ground. It was nearly dead by cold. The Farmer was a kind man. Hepicked up thesnake carefully and put it under born. They grow old. And they die. A star is born from dust and gas. Slowly the dust and gas make a ball. The ball gets very hot. Then it starts to give off light. The young star grows into a giant. Many years go by. The older star begins to get small again. At last its light goes out. The star’s life is over. Radio and television are very popular in the world today. Millions of people watch TV. Perhaps more people listen to the radio. The TV is more useful than the radio. On TV we can see and hear what is happening in the world. However, radio isn’t lost. It is still with us. And listeners are becoming more. That’sbecause a transistor radio isn’t lost. It is still with us. It is very easy to carry. You can put one in your pocket and listen to it on the bus or your bike when you go to work. It’stwoo’clockintheafternoon.Thesunis shinning and it’s very hot. Nancy has to meet her mother at the train station. Now she’s walking in the street. There are no trees and she’s fat. So she feels very hot. But she doesn’t find a boy walking just behind her. And she meets a friend and says “hello” to him. “Who’s the boy behind you?” asks the man . Now she sees the boy. She is angry and asks, “Why are you walking behind me, boy?” “There’snoshadeinthestreet, you know.” answers the boy. “It’s cool behind you, I think.” My dad works from Monday to Friday in a bank. he uses the computer to count money. His job is very important in the bank. Dad is also busy at home. At weekends he cooks dinner. Usually he cooks Italian food. On Sundays he makesfive pieces of pizza. Sometimes hecooks chicken and makes Chinese food. My mum watches and helps him. I help my dad, too. I wash the dishes. Many people think it is strange for a man to cook. But my dad enjoys his hobby. Cooking relaxes him. He is a weekend cook. Jack is a good boy but he doesn’t like to use his head. He often says something withou thinking.It makes others unhappy. Mr. Black teaches math in a school. He’s old now and he likes children.On the Friday Mr. Black doesn’t go to work, because he’s ill in a hospital. And Jack’s mother will see him after dinner. “I want to be there with you.” says Jack. “You’re a rude boy. I can’t take you there.’ says his mother. “Don’t worry, mum. I won’t do that again. Please believe me. ” says Jack. In the hospital, Jack says nothing at first. When they’re leaving , he says to Mr. Black, “You look fine. The doctor says you’re going to die, but I don’t think so. ” There are about fifty-two weeks in a year. And there are seven days in each week. The first day of a week is Sunday. The other days of a week between SundayandSaturdayare Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Thursday and Friday. Monday is the second day, Tuesday is the third day, Wednesday is the fourth day, Thursday is the fifth day, and Friday is the sixth day. What’s the last day? Do you know? I have a friend in the U.S. His name is Don Adams. I know him very well, but I have never met him. We write to each other all the time. My letters are very short. It is still hard for me to write in English. I received a letter from Don yesterday. It makes me very happy. He is coming to my country for a visit next summer. We are going to see each other for the first time. My family lives on this street. In the morning, my father goes to work and all the children go to school. My mother takes us to school everyday. She does the housework. She always has her lunch at home, and sees her friends in the afternoon. In the evening all the children come home from school. They always get home early. My father goes home from work and he is often late. After supper my two brothers and I do our homework. We go to bed at ten. What do know about the sea? Some people have seen it but others haven’t. The sea looks beautiful on a fine sunny day and it can be very tough when there is a strong wind. What other things do you know about it? Of course, the sea is very large. In the world there is more sea than land. If you have swum in the sea, you know that the sea is salty. Rivers carry salt from the land into the sea. Some places of the sea are saltier than the other places. Do you know the Dead Sea? It is so salty that you can’t sink when you are in the water! And fish cannot live in it! Li Hua is a Yong Pioneer. He is going to the park. Now he is waiting for a bus. Suddenly he finds a watchon theground.He askssome people, “Whose watch is it?” But the watch isn’t theirs. So he gives the watch to a policeman. Now Li Hua gets on the bus. He is sitting near the window. An old woman gets on the bus. She has no seat. So he stands up and says, “Here is a seat for you, Granny. Please sit here” There are all kinds of horses in the world. But one of them you can’t ride. It doesn’t live on land, but in the sea. It looks like the head of horse. So the people call it sea horse. In fact, the sea horse is a small fish. It likes to live in warm water. A sea horse stands up in the water when it swims. Father horse carries the eggs to keep them safe in its pouch. Whenthe eggsare hatched, the baby horses swim away. There are three trees near the house. There is a big tree, and two small trees. In the big tree there is a bird. Can the bird sing? Yes, it can. What’s under the big tree? It’s a cat. “I want some food,” thinks the cat. “Bird, my good friend, Come here! It’s time to play games” says the cat. “No today, thank you!” says the bird, “You can’t catch me! Goodbye!” Look! The bird is flying! A flying fox is not a fox at all. It is a bat. But this bat looks like a fox. A flying fox is very big. It likes to eat fruit. Sometimes the flying fox is called fruit bat. The flying fox flies into fruit trees. Then the bat eats all the fruit. So fruit farmers do not like the flying fox. Birds don’t fly high up in the sky. The air is too thin. It is hard for birds to breathe in thin air. Thin air doesn’t hold them up. Birds fly near the ground so that they can see where they are. The birds look for places they know. Then they do not get lost. Some birds fly so low over the ocean that the waves often hide them. Many birds fly a long distance in the spring and autumn. Air is all around us. It is around us as we walk and play. From the time we were born air is around us on every side. When we sit down, it is around us. When we go to bed, air is also around us. We live in air. We can live without food or water for a few days, but we cannot live for more than a few minutes without air. We take in air. When we are working or running we need more air. When we are asleep, we need less air. We live in air, but we cannot see it. We can only feel it when it is moving. Moving air is called wind. How can we make air move? Here is one way. Hold an open book in front of your face, close it quickly. What can you feel? What you feel is air. There are many clocks in the Brown’s house. They are in different rooms.A big clock stands in a corner of the sitting room. It is a very, very old clock, but it still keeps good time. Mr. Brown winds it once a week. Swimming is a good sport. It’s popular. People like swimming because the water makes people feel cool. But if they swim in a wrong place, it is very dangerous. These years, some people died when they were enjoying themselves in water and most of them were students. Summer holiday will be there again. I want to give you some advice. First, don’t get into the water when you are alone. Second, don’t get into the water if there is a No swimming sign. Third, you should be careful in the water. If you remember these, swimming will be safe and it’s good for your health. |