Won是一个多义词,可以作为动词、名词、形容词和副词使用。下面将从这四个方面详细介绍won词语的用法和例句。 作为动词,won的意思是“赢得”,常用于竞赛、比赛等场合。例如: She won the race and received a gold medal.Tom won the lottery and became a millionaire overnight.此外,won还可以表示“获得”、“争取到”的意思。例如: The company won the contract to build the new bridge.We finally won the approval of the local government for our project.名词作为名词,won的意思是“韩元”,是韩国的货币单位。例如: 您可能还想了解: 很感人的温馨的小故事 爱情童话故事短篇睡前故事 神话故事盘古开天地的故事 The price of the dress is 500,000 won.I exchanged 100 dollars for 110,000 won at the bank.形容词作为形容词,won的意思是“成功的”、“胜利的”。例如: The team celebrated their won game with champagne.Her won performance in the play earned her rave reviews from the critics.副词作为副词,won的意思是“完全地”、“彻底地”。例如: The room was won dark that I couldn't see anything.She won overcame her fear of public speaking after a lot of practice.总之,won是一个多义词,根据不同的语境和用法,其意思也会有所不同。掌握won的用法,可以帮助我们更好地理解和运用英语。 |