
网站小编 2023-05-12 10:02:26 3

Twenty is a numerical word that represents the quantity of twenty. It is commonly used in everyday conversations, academic settings, and written texts. The word "twenty" is pronounced as "twen-tee", with the emphasis on the first syllable.


Here are some common ways to use the word "twenty" in sentences:

1. To indicate a quantity of twenty

The teacher gave us twenty minutes to complete the test.

I bought twenty apples at the grocery store.





2. To indicate a group of twenty people or things

There were twenty students in the class.

The restaurant can seat up to twenty customers at a time.

3. To indicate a score of twenty in a game or competition

The basketball team won by a score of twenty points.

The golfer finished the hole in twenty strokes.

4. To indicate a person's age of twenty years old

She celebrated her twentieth birthday last week.

He is in his twenties and still figuring out his career path.

5. To indicate a time of twenty minutes past the hour

The meeting starts at twenty minutes past two.

I'll meet you at the coffee shop at twenty after four.

6. To indicate a temperature of twenty degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit

The weather forecast predicts a high of twenty degrees today.

I keep my house at a comfortable temperature of twenty degrees.

7. To indicate a page number in a book or document

The information can be found on page twenty of the manual.

The article starts on page twenty-three of the magazine.

Overall, the word "twenty" is a versatile and commonly used word in the English language. It can be used to indicate quantities, groups, scores, ages, times, temperatures, and page numbers. Knowing how to use "twenty" correctly can help improve your communication skills and make you a more effective communicator.

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