
网站小编 2023-06-04 02:02:19 5

The phrase "三长两短" is a common Chinese idiom that refers to the idea that small mistakes or oversights can have significant consequences. It is often used to caution against taking shortcuts or neglecting important details in order to save time or effort.


The "three longs" refer to the three things that are difficult or time-consuming to obtain or replace: a long life, a long-term relationship, and a long-lasting reputation. These are things that we often take for granted or overlook in our daily lives, but they are essential to our happiness and well-being.

The "two shorts" refer to the two things that are easily lost or damaged: a short temper and a short-sighted perspective. These are traits that can cause us to make rash decisions or act impulsively without considering the long-term consequences. They can also prevent us from seeing the bigger picture or understanding the perspectives of others.

By keeping the concept of "三长两短" in mind, we can strive to be more mindful and responsible in our actions and decisions. We can focus on building strong relationships, cultivating a positive reputation, and taking care of our physical and mental health. We can also work on developing patience, empathy, and a long-term perspective in our interactions with others.





In conclusion, "三长两短" is a powerful reminder of the importance of paying attention to the details and taking a thoughtful approach to our lives. By striving to cultivate the "three longs" and avoid the "two shorts," we can live a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

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