财务决算 英文_决算的英文怎么说...

网站小编 2023-06-04 17:18:02 10

As the end of the fiscal year approaches, many businesses and organizations begin the process of preparing their financial statements. One crucial component of this process is the budget, which outlines projected income and expenses for the coming year. However, once the year has ended, it is necessary to review the actual income and expenses to determine whether the budget was accurate and to make any necessary adjustments. This process is known as the final accounting or the financial statement.

财务决算 英文_决算的英文怎么说...

The final accounting process involves comparing the actual income and expenses to the budgeted amounts. If there are significant differences between the two, it may be necessary to investigate the reasons for the discrepancies. For example, if expenses were higher than expected, it may be necessary to review the budget for the coming year to ensure that similar expenses are accounted for. Alternatively, if income was lower than expected, it may be necessary to adjust pricing or marketing strategies to increase revenue in the coming year.

Another important aspect of the final accounting process is ensuring that all expenses and income have been properly recorded. This may involve reviewing receipts and invoices to ensure that all expenses have been accounted for, and verifying that all income has been received and recorded accurately. It is also important to ensure that all expenses and income have been allocated to the correct accounts, such as payroll, rent, or supplies.

Once the final accounting process is complete, the organization can prepare its financial statements. These statements typically include an income statement, which shows the organization's revenue and expenses for the year, and a balance sheet, which shows the organization's assets, liabilities, and equity. Other financial statements may include a cash flow statement, which shows the organization's cash inflows and outflows, and a statement of changes in equity, which shows how the organization's equity has changed over the course of the year.


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The financial statements are important for a number of reasons. First, they provide an accurate picture of the organization's financial health, which can be used to make important business decisions. For example, if the organization has a high level of debt, it may be necessary to reduce expenses or increase revenue to improve its financial position. Second, the financial statements are often required by lenders and investors, who use them to evaluate the organization's creditworthiness and investment potential. Finally, the financial statements are important for compliance purposes, as organizations are required to file tax returns and other financial reports with government agencies.

In conclusion, the final accounting process is a crucial component of the financial management of any organization. By reviewing actual income and expenses and comparing them to the budget, organizations can ensure that they are operating efficiently and effectively. The financial statements that result from this process provide an accurate picture of the organization's financial health, which is important for making business decisions, attracting investors and lenders, and complying with legal requirements.

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