
网站小编 2023-11-22 01:56:59 8

Cold as ice, frosty, reserved, distant, aloof, unapproachable – these are all phrases that can be used to describe someone who is "冷若冰霜" in Chinese. This phrase is often used to describe a person who is emotionally detached, unfeeling, and unresponsive to the people around them.


People who are "冷若冰霜" may appear to be cold and unapproachable on the outside, but this is often a defense mechanism to protect themselves from getting hurt. They may have been hurt in the past, or they may simply be afraid of getting too close to others. Whatever the reason, they tend to keep their emotions bottled up inside and rarely show their true feelings to others.

Despite their cold exterior, people who are "冷若冰霜" can still be successful in life. They may be able to focus more easily on their goals and achieve great things because they are not distracted by emotional attachments. However, this success often comes at a cost, as they may miss out on the deeper connections and relationships that can make life more fulfilling.

If you encounter someone who is "冷若冰霜," it's important to remember that they may be struggling with their own issues and may not be intentionally trying to push you away. It may take time and patience to break through their walls and earn their trust, but it can be worth it in the end.





In conclusion, being "冷若冰霜" can be both a blessing and a curse. While it may help someone achieve success in their career or personal goals, it can also lead to a sense of loneliness and isolation. It's important to recognize this trait in ourselves and others and to work towards finding a balance between emotional detachment and healthy relationships.

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