
网站小编 2023-08-05 02:49:19 2

Phoenix feathers and unicorn horns are two mythical objects that are often used to describe something that is extremely rare or impossible to find. In Chinese culture, the phrase "凤毛麟角" (fèng máo lín jiǎo) is used to express this idea.


The literal translation of "凤毛麟角" is "phoenix feather and unicorn horn". The phoenix is a legendary bird that symbolizes beauty, grace, and rebirth, while the unicorn is a mythical creature that represents purity, strength, and magic. Both creatures are believed to be incredibly rare and almost impossible to find in real life.

Therefore, when someone says that something is "凤毛麟角", they mean that it is as rare and valuable as a phoenix feather or unicorn horn. This phrase can be used to describe many different things, such as a person's talent, a rare species of animal, or a unique piece of artwork.

For example, if someone says that they have found a job that pays well, has great benefits, and allows them to work from home, their friend might respond by saying "这种工作真是凤毛麟角啊!" (zhè zhǒng gōngzuò zhēn shì fèng máo lín jiǎo a!), which means "This kind of job is really rare and valuable!"





Another example could be a collector who has been searching for a rare stamp for years. When they finally find it, they might say "我终于找到了这张邮票,真是凤毛麟角啊!" (wǒ zhōng yú zhǎo dào le zhè zhāng yóu piào, zhēn shì fèng máo lín jiǎo a!), which means "I finally found this stamp, it's as rare and valuable as a phoenix feather or unicorn horn!"

Overall, the phrase "凤毛麟角" is a powerful way to express the idea of rarity and value in Chinese culture. It is a reminder that some things are so special and unique that they are almost impossible to find, but when we do find them, they are worth cherishing and treasuring for a lifetime.

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